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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.



Es heißt, dass in der Heil'gen Nacht
mit ihrem Glanz und ihrer Pracht
ein jedes Tierlein sprechen kann,
gut zu versteh'n für jedermann.
Doch gilt das nur für eine Stunde
und selbstverständlich auch für Hunde.
So hab ich schnell mal aufgebellt,
was mir an Weihnachten gefällt:
Wenn abends aufhört all das Rennen
und schon die ersten Lichtlein brennen,
die Menschen geh'n, so ist 's der Brauch
zur Mette in die Kirche auch,
und lassen mich so ganz allein.
Ich frag mich: Fällt mir da nichts ein?
Zuerst mal wird, ganz mit Bedacht,
das Weihnachtsbäumchen klein gemacht.
Am Zweiglein knabbern, Äste beißen,
die bunten Kugeln runterreißen.
Lametta, Kerzen, alles fliegt!
Und Frauchen hat nichts mitgekriegt.

Keep my memory …

Keep my memory with you
For memories never die
I will be there with you
When you look across the sky
I will be there in the clouds
In the birds that fill the air
In the beauty of a fragrant rose
You will find my memory there
You will feel me in the tenderness
Of a tiny baby's touch
You will hear me if you listen
In the twilight's gentle hush
When your hearts are heavy
And you feel that you are alone
Just reach down deep inside of you
For your heart is now my home
I will always be with you
I will never go away
For I will live on in your hearts
Forever and a day
(Author unknown)

Heartbroken ...

I know that you are heartbroken
And sad that I am gone.
But I am in Heaven now,
And I'm never once left alone.
Oh I wish you could see me now.
Heaven is a beautiful sight to see.
Jesus is the light that shines forever.
And He walks daily with me.
Oh, the skies are never gray here.
And it never ever rains.
Although I know you feel the pain...
Up here, there is no pain.
Angels always sing in a choir for me!
With voices so beautiful and clear.
I am in the presence of my loved ones.
I haven't seen one tear!
I know that you are hurting for me.
I can't make your pain disappear.
But if you could see me now, you'd know
I am happy in Heaven and I still love you from here!
(Author unknown)


Precious dogs are very few
That’s why there was only one of you
Nothing on earth can ever replace
The sound of your bark ... The smile on your face ...
You changed my life beyond compare
The light of your Love is everywhere
All my Love this day I send
From my broken heart that will never mend ...
(Author unknown)

To have, to love, and then to part

To have, to love, and then to part
Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart.
The years may wipe out many things
But some they wipe out never,
Like memories of those happy times
When we were all together.
(Author unknown)

Wish upon a star

If I could wish upon a star …
I would wish to see my loved one from afar
For I see my loved one twinkling at night
And oh it's such a beautiful sight.
The star it glows with love and care
And no other star in the sky can compare
You shine down on your family at night with love
You were a beautiful gift to me from heaven above.
Your beauty glows and shines so bright
And you keep shining until morning light
You are shining now in heaven above
Please my little star keep shining down on me …
(Author unknown)


The lighted window shows the room
so warm and softly glowing,
The tree so tall with twinkling lights
And all the presents showing.
While just outside a starving cat
Stands shivering in the cold,
And down the street a stray dog limps,
So tired and sick and old.
The baby monkey in the lab
Lets out a cry of fear.
The thing he thought was mother
Shot out quills when he drew near.
The car speeds by, the puppy cries
And drags her broken leg.
The beaver in the leghold trap
Lifts pain-filled eyes that beg.
How can we speak of peace on earth
And know these things are so,
And say they don't concern us
And we ought to let them go?
How can we think we have the right
To torture needlessly,
When all the time we know so well
It shouldn't have to be.
Come join with us at Christmas time
And pledge ourselves anew.
They need our help so badly,
There's so much that we can do.
Don't turn your back upon their pain
Because it's hard to see.
They have no other place to turn,
They've only you and me.
(Guila Manchester)

Ein Weihnachtsgedicht

Es war einmal, unterm Weihnachtsbaum,
da erfüllte sich ein Hundetraum.
Eingepackt in Geschenkpapier,
so erschnüffelte das Hundetier,
befanden sich - saftig, lecker, fein -
ein, zwei, drei Stücke Ohren vom Schwein.
Ran an das Geschenkeband, weg mit dem Papier,
der Hund ist wie von Sinnen: „Die Ohren sind MIR!“
Die Augen am Leuchten,
der Magen schon knurrt.
Was ist das Geschenkband nur so festgezurrt?
Doch die Mühe, die lohnt sich, nun liegen sie da
und es denkt sich der Hund - noch am Kauen - „Weihnachten ist wunderbar!“
(Autor unbekannt)


Ein Hund riecht lang an einem Baum.
Was ist denn das? Er glaubt es kaum.
Geschmückt steht dieser Baum im Raum!
Der Hund hebt aber nicht das Bein.
Dafür ist dieser Baum zu fein
Im strahlend hellen Kerzenschein.
Auch Schokolade riecht der Hund
In Papier, so herrlich bunt!
Was für ein wunderbarer Fund!
Wie freut er sich auf diesen Schmaus,
Schnappt gierig zu. Doch dann – o Graus!
Der Baum kippt um, das Licht geht aus.
Ein Engel fliegt ihm vor die Pfoten.
„Was fällt dir ein! Das ist verboten!“
Streng ist sein Mund, hart sein Gesicht
„Du weißt doch, so was tut man nicht!“
Der Hund jault, zieht den Schwanz schnell ein.
„Ich tu's nie wieder, Engelein!“
Starr bleibt des Engels Blick gericht'
Auf den frechen Hundewicht.
Erst jetzt erkennt der arme Tropf:
Aus Wachs nur ist des Engels Kopf.
(Autor unbekannt)


The Heaven of Animals (an excerpt)

With all of my heart, I believe it is true
that there is a heaven for animals, too.
Sometimes I think that they already know,
all of the animals ... just where they'll go.
Haven't you noticed them drift off and stare,
lift their soft noses, and gave into air?
I think that maybe it's heaven they see ...
beyond what their wishes
could wish it to be.
When dogs get to heaven
they're welcomed by name,
and angels know every dog's
favorite game.
They race to the corners of
heaven and back,
and everyone gets a turn
leading the pack.
When kitties arrive on their soft kitty paws
they are even more lovely to look at because
when they bathe up in heaven, their fur is so fine -
they stretch out their toes and just let themselves shine.
They perch on a limb of their very own tree.
It is amazing how far they can see.
Then they play and they purr, and they yawn and they nap
in their own ray of light in their favorite lap.
Horses in heaven are never alone,
and grass is much sweeter than
grass here at home.
Whenever they want to, horses
can snack; as soon as they nibble,
grass grows itself back.
Sometimes a horse just wants to have fun,
so he and his friends kick their hooves up and run.
When it is thundering high in the sky,
horses in heaven are galloping by.
Days often end
in fantastical hues -
marmalade oranges ...
butterfly blues.
Sometimes at twilight,
in indigo skies,
animals gather
to play with fireflies.
Sometimes they dance
with the angels, or sing.
Heaven changes everything.
But the love that you have for your animal friends
is always the same - that love never ends.
It makes itself known in all kinds of ways.
It floats all around then, or settles and stays.
And when angels whisper in animals ears,
it is your voice that each animal hears.
You'll grow older; I will, too.
That's what people always do.
But when you meet your friends again,
they'll see you as they saw you then.
And you'll find they always knew
how much they were loved ...
and how much they loved you.
(Nancy Tillman; taken from the book The Heaven of Animals”)

I would like to thank Nancy Tillman (http://www.nancytillman.com/) for her kind permission to publish her writing on my blog. It’s possible to order the book here.)

The Legend of Rainbow Bridge (by William N. Britton)

The Legend of Rainbow Bridge
From the book, "The Legend of Rainbow Bridge" by William N. Britton
Reprinted with Permission
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When a pet dies who has been especially close to a person here on earth,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are beautiful meadows and grassy hills there
for all our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is always plenty of their favorite food to eat,
plenty of fresh spring water for them to drink,
and every day is filled with sunshine so our little friends are warm and comfortable.
All the pets that had been ill or old are now restored to health and youth.
Those that had been hurt or maimed are now whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by.
The pets we loved are happy and content except for one small thing.
Each one misses someone very special who was left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes
when one of them suddenly stops and looks off into the distant hills.
It is as if they heard a whistle or were given a signal of some kind.
Their eyes are bright and intent. Their body begins to quiver.
All at once they break away from the group, flying like a deer over the grass,
their little legs carrying them faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you hug and cling to them in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
Happy kisses rain upon your face.
Your hands once again caress the beloved head.
You look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet so long gone from your life,
but never gone from your heart.
Then with your beloved pet by your side, you will cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
Your Sacred Circle is now complete again.
(Reprinted with permission of the author. Published 1994. Copyright © William N. Britton. www.legendofrainbowbridge.com)

A Dog’s Return from Rainbow Bridge

When a Dog dies his Soul transitions to a special place in Heaven
called the Rainbow Bridge.
There He is alive and well, a part of Never Ending Love.
He is healed, whole, and restored.
He sniffs special friends, meets family and hugs loved ones.
They chase one another, play and bark together.
There is plenty of food, treats, chewies, balls, bones and sunshine.
Everyone is warm, safe and comfortable in their beds.
He visits you in dreams with memories of the special times you shared.
He is happy and content EXCEPT for one thing.
He misses that special bond with the person he head to leave behind.
He sends signs to let you know he is thinking about and watching over you.
His Soul is ALWAYS by your side.
He has NEVER stopped loving you!
Then the day comes when your Dog wants to be back.
There are promises to keep.
He wiggles and sparkles with intent.
It’s time to return to Earth as you both have agreed.
His energy vibrates faster and faster,
forming a Heart to be loved.
He feels the pull of your Prayers and yearnings.
He is strengthened by the power of your belief in Never Ending Love.
Full of Hope and Faith he leaves the safety of Rainbow Bridge.
His Soul begins the search for the Haven of your heart.
In perfect timing that moment arrives.
You find one another!
Time stands still as you look into each other’s Soul.
Your heart is etched with the feeling of recognition in his eyes.
Cautiously you move forward filling the gaps that complete your bond.
Your touch caresses his beloved velvet head.
All sadness is gone.
Your heart is whole again!
Your Dog has returned from the Rainbow Bridge.
Together you begin again,
another journey
in the Eternal Cycle of Life!
Your Love is here
Forever and Always!
(Brent Atwater, taken from Ms. Atwater’s book „Animal Reincarnation: Animal Life after Death – Everything You Always Wanted to Know“, 5/5/13;
Author’s note:
“Please download your copy on each of the pages and share!”)

A Shelter Pet’s Return from Rainbow Bridge

My heart is warm and my spirit bold
I’ll never have the chance to grow old.
Depressed and scared, not matter my age
I’ve been put in death row cage.

I’ve done my best to win your attention
now left behind in loveless detention.
Abused, abandoned and soon I’ll die.
I didn’t get adopted or rescued – Why?

Was I not pretty or healthy enough?
Can’t you see beyond that stuff?
Where is your help when I need you?

Begegnung mit dem Christkind

Auf Wanderung durch den verschneiten Wald,
Trifft auf das Christkind der Dackel Theobald.
Eine wichtige Frage stellt er ihm.
Was es sich den selber wünschen werde.
Die Antwort vom Christkind: Endlich Frieden auf der Erde
(Autor unbekannt)

Räuber auf vier Pfoten

Die Nase in die Luft gestreckt,
einen ganz leckeren Geruch entdeckt,
mit ganz viel Glück
und viel Geschick
kann´s mir vielleicht gelingen,
den Weihnachtsbraten in meine Gewalt zu bringen.
„Bello ab“, schreit da die Mutter.
Verflixt, dann doch nur Trockenfutter.
(Autor unbekannt)


Schon ganz früh am Morgen,
mach ich mir so richtig Sorgen,
nur ständig Hektik und Gerenne,
nicht die Familie, die ich kenne.
Kein Gassi gehen und kein Toben,
ich werde nur aus der Tür geschoben.
Von einem Weihnacht wird gesprochen,
was hat der Weihnacht denn verbrochen,
dass alle Welt nur schimpft und stresst,
was mag das sein? Bestimmt kein Fest!
(Autor unbekannt)

Traurige Nachricht

Am Hofe alle versammelt um den Hund,
dieser eine traurige Nachricht tut kund,
Ente Heinrich ist der Braten zum Weihnachtsfeste
Und wird verspeist bis auf ein paar Reste
Nur getraut er sich nicht zu sagen,
diese werden landen in seinem Magen.
(Autor unbekannt)

Die alte Dame und ihr Pudel

Gemeinsam humpeln sie nach Hause,
Der alte Pudel und Frau Bause.
So viele Weihnachtsfeste zusammen allein,
Wo mag nur der Rest der Familie sein.
Auch wenn alle Welt den Kontakt versäumt,
Der Hund der bleibt als treuer Freund.
(Autor unbekannt)

Christmas quote

A dog is for life not just for Christmas
(Famous slogan created by Clarissa Baldwin in 1978)

In memory

With tears of grief and heavy hearts
we said goodbye to you.
Animal friends as sweet as you
have been a precious few.
You stayed with us
and played with us
and gave us all your love.
Now we give the gift of peace to you
and thank our Lord above
for the years you joined our family
with your patient, gentle face.
we'll always keep you in our hearts
in a very special place.
All the memories you made with us
are surely here to stay,
for what love has already given us
death could never take away.
(Author unknown)