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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Please come to me I miss you

Day by day I wait but, you never arrive.
What did I do to deserve all this torture?
I still sit on the side of the road where you first left me ...
Will you return? I believed you would. Did you? No.
I thought, maybe, you just dropped me here to stay for a few minutes.
You opened the car door and got me out ... But, then you didn't come.
You slammed the car door and drove off, leaving me behind.
I am greet by unfamiliar and unfriendly obstacles.
Where is my saviour? I thought you cared.
But, who wants me now? A traumatized, rib thin, bloody wounded dog belongs nowhere.
I had done nothing wrong. How could you leave me here?
My shattered heart dosn't want to live.
Why didn't you just shoot me instead of making me suffer so much neglect?
I didn't know what it was to feel so alone.
I'm by myself more then you could know. If only you were alone.
I remember the first time we met.
I was a bouncy puppy hopping around with no problems.
I remember you picked me up and said "your mine Max".
I miss your voice. Your soothing voice that made all the pain go away.
You took me home and fixed me up. I loved you so much. Life was good.
The time I ripped up your couch and you tried to yell at me but, laughed and ended up hugging me.
I was lonely when we first met. Since you moved out of your parents house with me into a small, dirty apartment and had no time for me.
I was exited and you were bored. "Shut up dog!" She had forgotten my name.
"Shut the **** up you filthy mutt!" You yelled after.
I heard you swearing under your breath about "that stupid dog" and the love was gone.
You grabbed my collar and shoved me into the car.
Driving through the darkness, I could sense something was wrong.
You were speeding and then we came to a stop.
The door opened and then you pushed me out.
Then you sped away. I waited.
Why didn't you come out? Did I do something wrong?
I was broken, you left me.
I had to adjust to the few amounts of food.
A muffin liner, a banana peel, anything I could find became the meal of the day.
My bed was the ground. Or a trash bag.
Nobody wanted me and when people with ANIMAL CONTROL printed on their shirts came, I ran.
Even thought I could've found another master, I didn't want anybody else.
If I couldn't have, then I didn't want to have anybody.
I spend my nights at the same spot you dumped me out at.
I still believe you'll come. You'll realize what a sick-minded mistake you made and get me.
My hair is falling out and my muzzle is turning white and gray.
I've lost my glossy puppy coat and exchanged it for a course, wired, thin fur coat that doesn’t warm me.
I am covered in feces and mud.
My hips are starting to hurt and my knees are cramped up terribly.
I still drag myself to the same spot you left me.
No matter what after 10 years of abandonment I still believe that you will come here and be mine.
So please come get me. I'm gonna die soon and I want my last moments of breath with you. I need you more right now then I ever did!!!!

(Author unknown)

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