Willkommen / Welcome

Willkommen / Welcome
Um Gedichte zu lesen, wähle eine Kategorie (Sidebar rechts). / Select a category to read poems (sidebare right).

Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Happy Doggy Halloween

(Elisa, © Isa of Mayflower)

Spooky Doggy Halloween

(© Gabi Stickler)


Vielen Dank an Gabi Stickler für ihre  freundliche Genehmigung, ihre Fotos auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen. Weitere ihrer großartigen Fotos hier.

I would like to thank Gabi Stickler for her kind permission to publish her photos on my blog. You can find more of her great photos here.

Treats (Happy Halloween)

Ich hoffe, Eure Hunde werden heute viele Treats fangen.
I hope your dogs will catch many treats today.
(© Christian Vieler)

Vielen Dank an Christian Vieler (Fotos frei Schnauze) für seine freundliche Genehmigung, sein Foto auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Christian Vieler (Fotos frei Schnauze) for his kind permission to publish his photo on my blog.

Happy Dog Halloween

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 

In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.


By your side

A dog’s a gift on loan to us from someone up above. He came to teach us many things but mainly how to love. A bigger heart you’ll never find, a most loyal friend indeed. His biggest wish is to help guide your path in the hope that you’ll succeed.
So listen with a child’s heart to what he has to say, he’ll fill your life with laughter and teach you how to play … rejoicing in the simple beauty found each and every day.
Then comes a time when sadly, yes he’s called back home again … to the heavens far and wide. Give thanks to all the stars above that once … a good dog chose … to walk faithfully by your side.

(© Sue Long) 


I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.

 Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

A dog’s job

That ist he job of being a dog:
To bark, to get dirty feet to give sloppy kisses.
To always be there at your feet, in your bed, by your side.
In the car, in the park, in our heart.
That is the job of being a dog:
A companion, a friend, one that thinks you
and you alone are the center of their universe.
(Author unknown)

Wie seltsam still und leer alles nun ist

Wie seltsam still und leer alles nun ist,
ganz ohne Dich mein kleiner Liebling.
Der Flur ist leer, wenn ich nach Hause komm,
kein Schwanzgewedel, keine feuchte Schnauze.
Jetzt wär’s grad Zeit zum Gassi gehen,
kann’s immer noch nicht fassen.
Mit jedem Tag, der geht und kommt,
bist Du ein bisschen ferner.
Doch trag ich Dich in meinem Herz,
halt Dich hier fest, wo’s weich und warm.
Du warst für mich fast wie ein Kind,
werd' niemals Dich vergessen.
(Autor unbekannt)


All of my days

Dear friend, reach out with your hand in kindness so I shall not fear your touch.
Speak softly to me so that harsh words do not fall upon my ears.
Give me gentle guidance so I may please you and make you proud.
Spend time with me so I do not suffer from a lonely heart.
But above all, love me in the way that I love you, unconditionally and forever.
For I shall be watching over you and those that you love such that no harm shall ever come your way.
I will be here to lean on when you feel it is you against the world, but you will never be alone.
I will walk into the darkness with you and lead you back into the light.
I will show you what joy can be found in the simple pleasures that help create memories, because making memories are what matter. They truly are the only things that last.
Together we shall share a bond that is unbreakable, stronger than steel but as gentle as a light breeze that brushes the cheek.
For you are my best friend and I will walk by your side for all of my days … until the last beat of my heart.

(© Sue Long)

I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.

 Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.

Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

Our life's journey together

Through life's journey we took a ride,
The times you spent by my side,
You always were there as my best friend,
But we knew one day, there would be an end.
Heavens doors are open, just walk through the gates,
In this Animal Kingdom sunshine awaits,
To a place you can run free, never grow old,
A world full of freedom, rivers of gold.
Towards the rainbow, you can play and run,
Or in the green fields, you relax in the sun,
Under the trees, just rest in the shade,
As this is the place where dreams are made.

Wie schön war doch die Zeit mit Dir

Wie schön war doch die Zeit mit Dir,
dank Dir für jede Stunde.
Wie kurz doch so ein Hundeleben ist,
so schnell vergingen Deine Jahre.
Wie treu war doch Dein Hundeherz,
ganz ohne Fehl und Tadel.
Bist mir gefolgt auf Schritt und Tritt,
ohne je den Blick von mir zu wenden.
Gehab Dich wohl, wo Du jetzt bist,
bestimmt sehn wir uns wieder.
Dann stehst Du leise schwänzelnd da,
verlässt mich niemals wieder.
(Autor unbekannt)


Ach du dicker Hund

Ich war einmal ein kleiner Hund
wog anfangs nur ein gutes Pfund
da kamen alle Leut daher
sie liebten meine "Kleinheit" sehr.
In Menschenarmen warm geborgen,
nimmt mich ein Frauchen mit nach Haus
ein Leben lang für mich zu sorgen
verspricht sie mir, der kleinen Maus.
Da fing ich an mich zu vergrößern
bin jetzt, so groß wie ein Kalb
wer will daran etwas verbessern.
So bin ich halt.
Frauchens Liebe ist mitgewachsen,
sagt immer zu mir "braver Hund"
dafür werde ich sie auch bewachen
täglich vierundzwanzig Stund.

(Wally Lindl)


Ich möchte mich vielmals bei Wally Lindl bedanken, dass ich ihre Gedichte und Geschichten auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen darf.

Why dogs having such short lives

I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be like if they were to live double that time?"
(Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832))

(German translation here)

From your dog in Heaven

I’ve heard that Angels toss a penny
down from Heaven up above.
To show to few or perhaps many
that they watch over them with love.
You can’t see how much my tail wags,
and I don’t have pennies or a card.
But I lovingly toss you my tag
to be embedded in your heart.
I hope you’ll never be afraid to
invite another on your lap.
At Rainbow Bridge I’ll still await you:
there are no limits, there is no cap.
Love is pure and ever present,
love is light, radiant and more.
Love will show you just how pleasant,
when we knock on Heaven’s door.
(Author unknown)

The Way

In the darkness I turned to go; my last day’s done; I’ll miss you so.
No time even to say good bye or to lick the tears spilling from your eyes.
That’s when I heard you call my name; I knew right then, I must turn back to help ease your pain.
Since I’ve no voice with which to speak, its whispers in your dreams I’ll make.
Ease your heart and rest your mind, my time with you was the best of kind.
I couldn’t have asked for a better friend, we’ve shared our journey to the very end.
There’s one final thing you need to know, I’ll whisper in your ear before I go …
“I’m leaving first to find the way … so I can lead you back here with me on your last day.”
(© Sue Long)


I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.

 Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.

Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

Fellbündel auf tapsigen vier Pfoten

Ein Fellbündel auf tapsigen vier Pfoten,
das warst Du damals, als Du kamst.
Voll Schabernack und Ungestüm
so tratst Du in mein Leben.
Du wuchst heran, zogst mich in Bann,
mit treuen Augen und Geschmuse.
Erobertest mein Herz im Sturm,
wir waren ein Team, nur ich und Du.
Jetzt bleibt mir nur Dein Halsband noch,
Dein Spielzeug, Deine Leine.
Hör noch Dein Bellen, Hecheln, Gähnen,
spür noch Dein seidenweiches Fell.
So plötzlich gingst Du dann von mir,
schliefst ein ohne Erwachen.
Jetzt klafft ne Lücke und nicht klein,
die keiner weiß zu füllen.
(Autor unbekannt)


Why dogs are better than …

… men 

  • Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public.
  • Dogs miss you when you're gone.
  • You never wonder whether your dog is good enough for you.
  • Dogs feel guilt when they've done something wrong.
  • Dogs don't brag about whom they have slept with.
  • Dogs don't criticize your friends.
  • Dogs admit when they're jealous.
  • Dogs do not play games with you - except fetch (and then never laugh at how you throw).
  • Dogs are happy with any video you choose to rent, because they know the most important thing is that you're together.
  • Dogs don't feel threatened by your intelligence.
  • You can train a dog.
  • Dogs are already in touch with their inner puppies.
  • You are never suspicious of your dog's dreams.
  • Gorgeous dogs don't know they're gorgeous.

I went out to rescue a dog that day

I went out to rescue a dog that day
To give him a really good life
To take him away from the life that he led
And free him from trouble and strife 

I thought I would do him a favour
And be a good person to him
And go do my bit for the country
I didn't go out on a whim
But what do you think really did happen?
The day that I did my good deed,
I discovered a love that I'd dreamed of
And fulfilled in myself a strong need. 

I now have a dog that I care for,
I see things that I needed to see.
That lovely dog that I rescued
Really ended up rescuing me.

(Fionna Duncan)

I would like to thank Fionna Duncan for her kind permission to publish her poems on my blog.

So lange hast Du mich begleitet

So lange hast Du mich begleitet,
warst immer da, wenn ich Dich brauchte.
Warst mir wohl selbst an trüben Tagen,
mein Trost und auch mein Sonnenschein.
Leer nun der Platz, wo Du einst lagst,
verwaist, ganz ohne jedes Leben
so wie mein Herz, so wie der Tag,
als Du dann gingst und alles nahmst.
(Autor unbekannt)

Until we meet again

Those special memories of you
Will always bring a smile
If only I could have you back
For just a little while
Then we could sit and walk again
Just like we used to do
You always meant so very much
And always will do too
The fact that you’re no longer here
Will always cause me pain
But you’re forever in my heart
Until we meet again
(Author unknown)


A poem of love and thanks

The light into my bedroom streaming
Morning light sends wood floors gleaming
Small shifts and shuffles from their dens
Two German Shepherds softly dreaming.
I imagine Blaze is chasing rabbit
As I have dubbed her nighttime habit
Of running legs and lowly growls
And the cruelty of Lorena Babbitt.
Or is it Bobbitt, I don’t know
For my memory’s begun to go
I just remember nighttime lobbing
And men responding, ‘Holy crow!”


Roll up, roll up and come on in
There's puppies here to see
And just for one day only
They're buy-one-get-one-free! 

Look how cute and sweet they are
All rolling in the hay
Just line my pockets with the cash
And take one home today 

What is that I hear you ask?
What health checks have they had?
How do you know they'll live for long?
Where are their Mum and Dad? 

Dogs (by Sue Long)

Of all the creatures that walk the face of this earth,
dogs have chosen us, and us alone, to share their lives with.
May we prove worthy of such a gift.

 (© Sue Long) 


I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.

 Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.

Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.


… on just being

Be here, with me
As long as we
Can still be we 

As long as I
Can still be me
Right here with you
Be here, with me 

See life, for me
As shadows fall
And memories flee 

Spaghetti Eating Competition: Golden Retriever vs German Shepherd

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.

A piece of my heart

A piece of my heart is made of you
A small but vital place
Full of memories of happy times
That nothing could displace
It''s nestled in and settled down
Like a sleepy, winter mole
It's part of me now, flesh and blood
And it's connected to my soul

Rescue prayer

Now I lay me down to rest … I pray my soul can stand this test
Of watching critters lose their homes … While owners gripe and cry and moan
I long for strength of spirit that they’ll find a loving home again
Where they will know a loving heart … I can’t do much, but it’s a start.
And spare me from the owner’s pleas … About the baby’s allergies
Or how they’re moving out of state … Or spitefulness ‘tween cat and mate

If you love the smell of puppy breath

If you love the smell of puppy breath ... Thank a Dog
If you find yourself talking about your life and nobody is there ...Thank a Dog
If you leave for five minutes or eight hours and find them waiting at the door with the same
excitement ... Thank a Dog
If you find yourself lost while hunting but eventually find your way home ... Thank a Dog
If you find yourself feeling low or crying and a warm furry friend cheers you up or licks your tears away ... Thank a Dog
If you have a bad day, they are still waiting for you regardless ... Thank a Dog
If you or your family is in danger and they get between you ... Thank a Dog
If you find yourself smiling for no reason as you watch them play ... Thank a Dog
And when that day comes, when they give you their very last breath of love ... Thank Your Dog
(Brian Dell Beckstead)
I would like to thank Brian Dell Beckstead for his kind permission to publish his poem on my blog.


I know I'm scared and nervous and shy
You might just want to walk on by
But please look again, please talk to me
And see the boy I'd like to be
I've never had a life of fun
I've never had the chance to run
To chase my ball till I'm all puffed out
To learn that people don't always shout
I might not wag my tail at you
But look in my eyes, look closer too
There's life in them, and hope and joy
And I'd love to be your special boy
(Fionna Duncan)


I would like to thank Fionna Duncan for her kind permission to publish her poems on my blog.

Untitled (by Karen Dunkley)

It drains me, fills me
Wears me down and builds me.
It breaks me, makes me
Calms me down and shakes me.
Rocks my core and rolls me
Shoots me down, lets me soar.
It guts me, feeds me
It devastates and needs me.


Joy Angels

I sat still, in the waiting room
My old dog at my feet
Another tear had made its way
Haltingly down my cheek.
I heard a voice, from ‘cross the room
And I realized that she
Was speaking, so very softly
To the old dog, and to me.
“Ah, he’s an old boy, and you’re sad,”
With that much, she had surmised
What we were doing here today
I looked up, into her eyes.