Willkommen / Welcome

Willkommen / Welcome
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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


NOTFALL-CHECKLISTE: Atemstillstand beim Hund

Der Atemstillstand ist ein akuter tiermedizinischer Notfall der ein sofortiges Handeln notwendig macht. Ohne lebensrettende Sofortmaßnahmen würde der Hund sterben. Es ist dabei insbesondere darauf zu achten, ob nicht schon ein Herzstillstand eingetreten ist und dieser als Sofortmaßnahme behandelt werdn muss. Der Ersthelfer am Unglücksort übernimmt die notfall-medizinische Erstversorgung des Hundes und organisiert den unverzüglichen Transport zum Tierarzt.
Artikel weiterlesen auf erste-hilfe-beim-hund.de

The eulogy

Look not where I was
For I am not there
My spirit is free
I am everywhere
In the air that you breathe
In the sounds that you hear
Don't cry for me Mom
My spirit is near

All of my days

Dear friend,
reach out with your hand in kindness so I shall not fear your touch.
Speak softly to me so that harsh words do not fall upon my ears.
Give me gentle guidance so I may please you and make you proud.
Spend time with me so I do not suffer from a lonely heart.
But above all, love me in the way that I love you, unconditionally and forever.
For I shall be watching over you and those that you love such that no harm shall ever come your way.
I will be here to lean on when you feel it is you against the world, but you will never be alone.
I will walk into the darkness with you and lead you back into the light.
I will show you what joy can be found in the simple pleasures that help create memories, because making memories are what matter. They truly are the only things that last.
Together we shall share a bond that is unbreakable, stronger than steel but as gentle as a light breeze that brushes the cheek.
For you are my best friend and I will walk by your side for all of my days … until the last beat of my heart.

(© Sue Long) 


I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.
Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

Welches Gemüse dürfen Hunde fressen?

Ich bedanke mich bei Gutes Hundefutter ohne Getreide für die freundliche Genehmigung, Informationen und Grafiken von ihren Seiten auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.


A lonely dog (or: Rescued dog)

Once I was a lonely dog, just looking for a home.
I had no place to go, no one to call my own.
I wandered up and down the streets, in rain, in heat and snow.
I ate what ever I could find, I was always on the go.
My skin would itch, my feet were sore, my body ached with pain.
And no one stopped to give a pat or gently say my name.
I never saw a loving glance, I was always on the run.
For people thought that hurting me was really lots of fun.
And then one day I heard a voice so gentle, kind and sweet,
And arms so soft reached down to me and took me off my feet.
"No one again will hurt you" was whispered in my ear.
"You'll have a home to call your own where you will know no fear".
"You will be dry, you will be warm, you'll have enough to eat
And rest assured that when you sleep, your dreams will all be sweet".
I was afraid I must admit, I've lived so long in fear.
I can't remember when I let a human come so near.

Rescue me (by Terri Onorato)

Rescue me not only with your hands but with your heart as well.
I will respond to you.
Unfortunately I have no authorization of Terri Onorato to publish her texts on my blog (for a few years she no longer issued permits to anyone). But it’s possible to read the text here.

Leider habe ich keine Genehmigung von Terri Onorato, ihre Texte auf meinem Blog zu veröffentlichen (seit ein paar Jahren erteilt sie grundsätzlich keine Genehmigungen mehr). Es ist aber möglich, den Text hier zu lesen.

Isa of Mayflower

Bulldog friend

A bulldog friend who’s always by your side,
and in a fight he does not hide.
He’s always there whether it’s near or far,
and will not judge you because he loves who you are.
He comes when you call, and does what you say.
He is there every minute, and will never fade away.


Dozer, gone too soon

The floor is too clean.
The house is too quiet.
Not a drop of drool is seen,
Because you are gone.
I miss all of your noises,
Even the toenail taps.
I miss the grumbles, the smacking,
the floor rumbling snores when you nap.

To the war dog

To the memory of silent footsteps that beside us once did fall
We pause but for a moment and in reverence do reacall
For the hand that held the leash they served our country well
Therefore we who do remain will their stories ever tell
Some did come home strong with us tails held high
While others left empty collars and in foreign soil they silently lie
They are forever our guardian angels clad in soft and colored fur
As present now in our hearts as they ever and always were
(Christopher Dion)


Quelle (informativer Artikel!): erste-hilfe-beim-hund


10 reasons why dogs are better than boyfriends

(© Lili Chin) 


Ich bedanke mich bei Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net) für ihre freundliche Genehmigung, ihre Zeichnungen auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net/) for her kind permission to publish her drawings on my blog.

The rock

Live in the moment, because that’s the only thing that’s real. Live life large, there’s no time for regrets.
Don’t fear falling down, getting up only makes you stronger.
Be the rock your friends lean on in times of trouble, for it is they who will lend a paw when you stumble.
Share your toys with your friends, you can have too many toys, but never enough friends.
Howl at the moon, chase rainbows only you can see and don’t be afraid to get your paws dirty, you can never have too much fun.
Love all those who speak kindly and share their joy with you for it is upon their hearts that your paw prints shall remain.

(© Sue Long) 

I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.
Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.


English Bull Terrier

They look only unto my breed,
Then shake their heads and close their eyes,
Oblivious to my heart, life or need
And ignore my silent waning cries.
For what I am is all that they see,
And too soon assume what is not true,
I cannot be trusted due to breeds history,
No matter what my angels say,
There's nothing they can do.

A true friendship

A crumb from the donut,
a piece of toast,
thats all it takes,
no need to boast
A scratch on the ear,
a pat on the head
a “quiet good doggy”
no more said

Dog grooming

NOTFALL-CHECKLISTE: Herzstillstand beim Hund

Der Herzstillstand ist ein akuter tiermedizinischer Notfall der ein sofortiges Handeln in Form einer Wiederbelebung des Hundes notwendig macht. Ohne lebensrettende Sofortmaßnahmen würde der Hund sterben. Der Ersthelfer am Unglücksort übernimmt die notfall-medizinische Erstversorgung des Hundes und organisiert danach den unverzüglichen Transport zum Tierarzt.
Artikel weiterlesen auf erste-hilfe-beim-hund.de


Dogs are great in many ways (6)

This police dog was shot in the head while chasing down a suspect. He came back to his partner bleeding profusely. They were reunited in the hospital. After the dog gets out of the hospital, the officer planed to adopt Bruno and take over his medical bills.

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.


What do we do when our loving pets face the last leg of the race? We do all we can to help them finish well, of course. We take time to read the unspoken needs of the friends we've come to know so well. We give the simple reassurance of a loving touch when the old boy seems confused for no reason.
We groom them faithfully, but more gently, as age brings muscle wasting, and the arthritic bones aren't so well padded. We learn to slow down for their sake, as they enjoy the scent of the wind, or track a visitors trail across their yard. We expect to be inconvenienced, and aren't angry when it happens.
We watch for pain and treat it, watch for changes in vision and hearing and do what we can to help preserve those precious senses for as long as possible.

Liebe bedeutet

Liebe bedeutet auch lernen, jemanden gehen zu lassen,
wissen, wann es Abschied nehmen heißt.
Nicht zulassen, dass unsere Gefühle dem im Weg stehen,
was am Ende besser ist für die, die wir lieben.
(Sergio Bambaren - Der träumende Delphin)


A special breed

There is a special kind of breed,
Not found just anywhere,
For sure not in a pet store,
Nor a puppy mill's dark lair.
At shows, this breed is legion.
Its gait is quite a strut.
Its locks are full of chalk and spray,
Great withers, flanks and butt


Dedicated to all our "rosebuds" ...
When God calls little puppies to dwell with Him above,
We humans always question the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache can compare with the loss of one small 'child',
Who does so much to make this world seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires - always calling the aged to His fold,
And so He picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them and so He picks but few;
To make the land of heaven more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult, yet somehow we must try,
For the saddest word that mankind knows will always be "good-bye".
And so when little pups depart; we, who are left behind,
must realize how much God loves puppies … for angels are hard to find.
(Author unknown)

Giftige Lebensmittel

Quelle: Akademie Hund



Das TAPS–Schema ist eine Methode im Rahmen der Ersten Hilfe beim Hund mit dem auch ein relativ tiermedizinisch nicht-vertrauter Hundebesitzer die wichtigsten Vitalwerte eines Hundes aufzunehmen kann. Diese wichtigsten Werte sind: Temperatur, Atmung, Puls/Herzschlag und Schleimhäute. Die Anfangsbuchstaben der Begriffe zusammengesetzt [T]emperatur, [A]tmung, [P]uls/Herzschlag, [S]chleimhäute ergeben dabei das 'Wort' TAPS - das wir uns leicht merken können, weil ... Eselsbrücke: unsere Hunde ja manchmal - tapsig - sind.

Mit der nachfolgenden Vorgehensweise kann ein Hundehalter im Falle eines Notfalls und der Ersten-Hilfe sich schnell einen ersten Überblick über die aktuelle gesundheitliche Situation des Hundes verschaffen
Artikel weiterlesen auf erste-hilfe-beim-hund.de


A little Pug's prayer

I’m so longing for someone to call my own,
Dear God, please give me a forever home.
I want to give nose licks to children and play,
Please tell me, Dear God, can today be the day?
I’m alone in this cage, so hungry and scared
Dear God, if I could just have someone who cared
Enough to take me away from this place
I’ll lavish Puggie kisses all over her face.
I know if she saw me so broken and sad
She’d cry and hold me and I’d be so glad
To be loved and bathed, given good food to eat
And maybe an occasional special treat.

For the dog that chose to sit and stay

When the levee broke, the water came,
And flooded the entire town,
To save the folks, men came in boats,
So not a soul would drown.
"Not any room," the rescuer said,
"For dogs, or cats, or pets,
Men, women, and children only,
Sorry," he expressed regrets.
"You can't go, girl," her master said,
As, with tears, he turned away,
"I promise I'll come back for you,
But for now, girl ... SIT and STAY!"

Doggie language

(© Lili Chin)
Ich bedanke mich bei Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net) für ihre freundliche Genehmigung, ihre Zeichnungen auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net/) for her kind permission to publish her drawings on my blog.


A dog lives here

This home is filled with chew toys and stuffies you’ll find scattered about the floor and somedays even muddy paw prints that lead in from every door.
Furballs may roll out from hidden corners at the most inappropriate of times, they’re the ones we’ve somehow missed even though our vacuum has been working overtime.
If quick enough you’ll have your choice of seats, unless someone else lands there first. But be careful not to boast, more than likely, they’ll find it’s your lap that suits them most.
You’ll also find a joyful heart and most loyal friend indeed, willing to share their unconditional love with you, regardless of their breed.
So be prepared for lots of snuggles, and occasional kiss or two, even at meal time they may expect a little treat from you.
They say a home is where the heart is, and I couldn’t agree more, I give thanks each day a dog lives here, they guard my heart and keep danger from its door.
So you’re welcome to come visit and spend some time within but keep in mind it’s their home too, and they help decide who comes in.

(© Sue Long) 

I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.
Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

Reanimation beim Hund

Quelle: Pinterest


A light lost

You were frightened, but you wanted to love.
You distrusted, but there were moments when - almost - you would rest your head.
You were always on guard, but you dreamed of learning to play.
You knew no one would protect you, but there were thoughts, or memories, of having a friend.
And we wanted to rescue you, to let you know you were safe.
If we had stroked your lovely coat just one more time …
If we had run with you just a little faster, or more often, in the grass …
Then maybe you would have been able to believe.

A dog sits waiting

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun.
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.
He's been here for days now with nothing to do,
but sit by the road waiting for you.
He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you and he were stopping to play.


A place for us (by Terri Onorato)

I know what you're thinking. You think I'm dead. Because you cannot see me with your human eyes, cannot feel me with your hands or hold me in your arms,

Unfortunately I have no authorization of Terri Onorato to publish her texts on my blog (for a few years she no longer issued permits to anyone). But it’s possible to read the text here.
Leider habe ich keine Genehmigung von Terri Onorato, ihre Texte auf meinem Blog zu veröffentlichen (seit ein paar Jahren erteilt sie grundsätzlich keine Genehmigungen mehr). Es ist aber möglich, den Text hier zu lesen.
Isa of Mayflower

The meaning of M.U.T.T.

Dudley wasn’t sure how many weeks he’d been in the animal shelter, but it seemed like forever. Each day was the same as the one before and he spent most of his time sitting on the wooden palette in his pen, staring at the wall and waiting for dinner. His life with his former owners, brief though it was, hadn’t been great - he wasn’t loved or wanted - but even that was better than this, he thought.
He occupied himself by watching a fly on the wall until he heard some of the other dogs barking a greeting to the old bloodhound Humphrey, as he made his morning rounds. Behind his back the others called him “Harrumphrey,” because of his habit of “harrumph!-ing” whenever anything displeased him, which was most of the time.
Humphrey was the mascot of the shelter, allowed to roam the building as he pleased, and he slept overnight in the office. He’d lost a hind leg years ago when a nearsighted hunter couldn’t tell the difference between a bloodhound and a deer, so the shelter staff didn’t have to worry about him wandering very far.

A wish

I wish I was a Rottweiler and I could carry a gun
I'd go after all those folks, who think that tortures fun
I gather up a gang of us, a Spitz, a chi, a hound
We'd travel in a motorhome, and hunt these people down
We'd start with all the puppy mills, we'd open all their doors
And tell them all "run like the wind, and head for golden shores
There's someone there that's waiting, with open arms for you
I promise you can trust them, they're animal rescue
If I could talk, I'd call the millers out into the night
I'd bear my teeth, and hold my gun and watch them shake in fright
And then I'd laugh and laugh and laugh and then I'd laugh some more

If I can stop one heart from breaking

If I can stop one heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain;
if I can ease one life the aching,
or cool one pain,
or help one fainting robin
unto his nest again
I shall not live in vain.
(Emily Dickinson (1830-1886))

Dog training

(© Lili Chin) 


Ich bedanke mich bei Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net) für ihre freundliche Genehmigung, ihre Zeichnungen auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net) for her kind permission to publish her drawings on my blog.


Shorty's Story

In the world of rescue, most of the time the “once upon a time” follows with a happy ending. But that is not always the case. Sometimes the story twists and turns, and ends in tragedy instead of a loving home. Such was Shorty’s story, one that I hope will instruct, enlighten, and have that necessary impact that keeps another pup from ending up with the same fate.
David J Arthur, Aircastle Standard Poodles, December 2006
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I can’t say where Shorty’s story began. We just don’t know, nor will we ever at this point. Even his name was given him by the vet techs at the hospital, since the one who surrendered him did so without even giving over such a basic piece of personal information. But we can surmise some things based on a pattern so often played out at the beginnings of such journeys.
Shorty was a little apricot Toy Poodle, probably not more than a year or two old, who was abandoned at the Montgomery Animal Shelter. Whoever dropped him off didn’t leave much of a story with him. They said he was a stray, but with his physical issues and total lack of socialization, there’s no way this could be even remotely true. You see Shorty was completely blind, most likely deaf as well, and would only walk in small circles, what little bit of walking he was able to do. Dogs with such problems don’t stray, so it’s a sure bet he was simply abandoned.

Kindgdom in the skies

Light a candle and remember me
But not with teary eyes.
Raise your head upwards
My kingdom is in the skies.
I am the warmth that touches you
On a sunny summer day.
I am the breeze that caresses you
From near and far away.
I draw you pictures in the clouds
So that you might know
I am at peace and watching you
On Earth not far below.