Isas Sammlung von Hundegedichten & mehr
Isa's collection of dog poems & more
Willkommen / Welcome
Wichtige Informationen / Important information:
This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.
Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.
Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.
Time has taken me from you
Du liebst deinen Hund und deine Seele ist reich
Why losing a dog can be harder than losing a relative or friend
Merry Christmas
The Gift
no one was stirring or wanting to play.
the Bassett Hound in with me was just about blind.
hoping that Santa knew that I had been good.
warm home with plenty of cheer.
and our new landlord was kind of a snob.
so I ended up here, where it's cold, dark and wet.
all the other dogs were snarling at me.
He is very old, he said he was ten!
He takes pets outside, but they never come back.
The Best Things in Life
King of the Track
Merry Christmas to all / Frohe Weihnachten für alle
Missing you at Christmastime (10)
Weihnachten / Christmas
Diese Bilder dürfen mitgenommen und auch auf einer Homepage, einem Blog o. ä. veröffentlicht werden, jedoch muss ein Link zu meinem Blog hinzugefügt werden. Veränderungen (ausgenommen Größe), Ergänzungen, Weitergabe oder Vervielfältigung sind nicht erlaubt.
I would be pleased about information where I can find the graphic(s).
Petition: Stoppt das Töten der Galgos
An die EU Kommission – Rue de la Loi 170 – B-1049 Bruxelles – Belgique
Petition: Stoppt das Töten der Galgos!
Mehr Informationen und die Möglichkeit, sich an der Petition zu beteiligen hier.
Stomping thru the snow
Stomping thru the snow,
Just me and my Yorkie.
Over the fields we go,
Just so she will pee.
Darkness all around,
We know she won't obey.
Her nose is anchored to the ground
Sniffing all the way. Hey!
Missing you at Christmastime (9)
The Tree
Missing you at Christmastime (8)
Missing you at Christmas time (7)
Dog waits for friend till the end
Without You
Missing you at Christmastime (6)
Holiday sweet potato doggie treats
- 1 cup of canned or fresh cooked sweet potato
- 1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour
- 1 raw egg (beaten)
- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Mix ingredients together until dough forms.
- Place dough on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, and press down slightly until dough is about 1/4 inch thick.
- Cut dough into fun holiday shapes using a cookie cutter!
- Bake until golden brown and let cool on a wire rack.
Missing you at Christmastime (5)
How the BC Saved Christmas
Missing you at Christmastime (4)
Missing you at Christmastime (3)
Missing you at Christmastime (2)
Missing you at Christmastime (1)
Tierische Weihnachten
Ich muss was erzählen ...
They say memories are golden
Geschenk für den Hund
'Twas the night before Christmas (8)
Brief ans Christkind
Do I go home today?
Batteries not included ...
Keine Tiere als Weihnachtsgeschenke
Border Collie Blues
Just a dog
People who really love their dogs
A pet’s Peace
I rescued a human today
I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them.