Willkommen / Welcome

Willkommen / Welcome
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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Welcome at Rainbow Bridge

On the morning of September 11, 2001, there was an unprecedented amount of activity at the Rainbow Bridge. Decisions had to be made. They had to be made quickly. And, they were.
An issue, not often addressed here, is the fact that many residents really have no loved ones for whom to wait. Think of the pups who lived and died in hideous puppy mills. No one on earth loved or protected them. What about the many who spent unhappy lives tied in backyards? And the ones who were abused - whom are they to wait for? We don't talk about that much up here. We share our loved ones as they arrive, and are happy to do so. But we all know there is nothing like having your very own person who thinks you are the most special pup in the Heavens.
On this particular Tuesday morning a request rang out for pups not waiting for specific persons to volunteer for special assignment. An eager, curious crowd excitedly surged forward, each pup wondering what the assignment would be. They were told by a solemn voice that unexpectedly, all at once, over 3000 loving people had left Earth long before they were ready. All the pups, as all pups do, felt the humans' pain deep in their own hearts. Without hearing more, there was a clamoring among them.
"May I have one to comfort?"
"I'll take two — I have a big heart!"
"I have been saving kisses forever!"
One after another they came forward, begging for assignment. One cozy-looking fluffy pup asked hesitantly, "Are there any children coming? I would be very comforting for a child ‘cuz I'm soft and squishy and I always wanted to be hugged."
A group of Dalmatians came forward asking to meet the firefighters and be their friends.
The larger working breeds offered to greet the police officers and make them feel at home.
Little dogs volunteered to do what they do best: cuddle and kiss.
Dogs who had never had a kind word or a pat on the head while they were on Earth stepped forward and said, "I will love any human who needs love."
Then all the dogs, no matter where on Earth they originally came from, rushed to the Rainbow Bridge and stood waiting, overflowing with love to share, each tail wagging an American flag.

(Alexander Theodore Bouvier, Fourth Year Resident)

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