Willkommen / Welcome

Willkommen / Welcome
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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.



(If I know the author, you can find the name below the quote. If no name is specified, the author is unknown.)
Dear God, please make me the kind of person my dog thinks I am. Thank You.
We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.
(M. Acklam)
Dear God, Please let me be the person my dogs think I am.
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole.
(Roger Caras)
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
(James Herriot (1916-1995))


(Sofern der Autor mir bekannt ist, ist er unter dem Text angegeben, ansonsten Verfasser unbekannt)
Eng vertraute Lebensgefährten sterben nicht von uns weg, sondern in uns hinein - die Erinnerung wird bleiben.
Alte Hunde sterben nicht. Sie sind nur einfach irgendwann nicht mehr da.
Du bist nicht da, wo du warst, aber du bist überall, wo wir sind.
Du denkst, Hunde kommen nicht in den Himmel?
Ich sage Dir, sie werden früher dort sein als irgendeiner von uns.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Das wenige, das du tun kannst, ist viel, wenn du nur irgendwo Schmerz und Weh und Angst von einem Wesen nimmst.
(Albert Schweitzer)
Wenn jeder Mensch ein kleines Lichtlein zum Strahlen bringen und in seinem Herzen ein Türchen öffnen würde, um den Tieren Respekt und Wertschätzung zu schenken, wie leuchtend hell und friedvoller wäre es auf unserer Erde!


Die Tierschützer Regenbogenbrücke

Anders als die meisten Tage an der Regenbogenbrücke, dämmerte es an diesem Tag, es war kalt und grau. Alle Neuankömmlinge an der Brücke wussten nicht was sie davon halten sollten, denn sie hatten noch nie so einen Tag erlebt. Aber die Tiere, die schon lange auf ihren geliebten Menschen gewartet hatten, um ihn über die Brücke zu begleiten, wussten was geschehen würde und sie fingen an, sich an dem Weg zur Brücke zu sammeln.
Schnell kam ein älterer Hund in Sicht, sein Kopf hing nach unten und er zog seinen Schwanz nach. Er näherte sich langsam, und obwohl er keine Anzeichen von Verletzungen oder Krankheiten zeigte, war er in großem emotionalem Schmerz. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Tieren, die sich entlang des Weges gesammelt hatten, hatte er beim Überqueren der Brücke nicht seine Jugend und Vitalität zurück erhalten. Er fühlte sich fehl am Platz und wollte nur zurück, um sein Glück zu finden. Aber als er sich der Brücke näherte, wurde er von einem Engel aufgehalten, der sich entschuldigte und ihm erklärte, dass der müde und gebrochene alte Hund die Brücke nicht überqueren dürfe. Nur die Tiere, die von ihren Menschen begleitet wurden, durften die Brücke überqueren. Da er niemanden hatte und auch nicht wusste wohin er sollte, stapfte der Hund in das Feld vor der Brücke. Dort fand er andere Hunde, Senioren, traurig und entmutigt. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Tieren, die darauf warteten die Brücke zu überqueren, rannten und spielten diese Tiere nicht. Sie lagen einfach im Gras und starrten einsam und verloren auf den Weg, der über die Rainbow Bridge führte. Der alte Hund beobachtete den Weg und wartete … noch nicht wissend, auf was er wartete.

Ein wahrer Freund ...

Er dankt für das kleinste Stück
und schaut Dich an beseelt.
Er spricht zu Dir mit seinem Blick,
weil ihm die Sprache fehlt.
Erkenn den Wert, bevor´s zu spät,
sei gut zu Deinem Tier,
denn wenn Dein Hund zu Grunde geht,
hält niemand mehr zu Dir!
Schon manches Glas wurd hoch erhoben
und lärmend tönt´s aus manchem Mund,
der Freundschaft edles Tun zu loben,
doch schnell vergessen wird die Stund.

Ich klage an

Den Menschen hatte ich vertraut,
braucht Hilfe für mein junges Leben.
Doch hatte ich auf Sand gebaut,
mein Leben musst ich qualvoll geben.
G`radmal 10 Wochen - schon allein,
mein Mensch wollt nicht mein Hüter sein.
Er brachte mich aus seinem Haus
und setzt mich andern Ortes aus.
Verängstigt, hungrig und allein -
von meinem Mensch vertrieben;
doch können alle nicht so sein
andre könnten mich doch lieben.

Wenn Engel weinen ...

Manchmal weinen auch die Engel,
und die Flügel werden schwer.
So viel Leid ist zu verhindern,
oftmals können sie nicht mehr!
Wenn sie uns ein Zeichen geben
und wir achten nicht darauf,
lassen sie die Flügel hängen
geben manchmal fast schon auf.
Und wenn dann Hunde weinen,
so kläglich ist manch Lebenslauf,
mit letzter Kraft woll'n sie helfen,
dann weinen Engel manchmal auch ...
(Autor und Übersetzer des englischen Originals unbekannt)


Ausweglos und ohne Ziel
erscheint mir jetzt mein Leben.
Die Schatten werden übergroß,
nichts kann mir Hoffnung geben.
Vor mir tiefste Dunkelheit,
kein Sonnenstrahl, der scheint.
Find' nirgendwo Geborgenheit,
kein Herz, das mit mir weint.
Still leg ich mich zur Ruh', meine Augen leer und mein Herz so schwer ...
Wer gibt mir jetzt am Ende die Antwort auf: "Warum?"
(Autor unbekannt)

Ich habe heute Ihren Hund adoptiert

Ich habe heute Ihren Hund adoptiert ...
den, den Sie am städtischen Hundezwinger verlassen haben;
den, den Sie 10 Jahre lang hatten
und jetzt nicht mehr um sich haben wollten.
Ich habe heute Ihren Hund adoptiert ...
wussten Sie schon, dass er an Gewicht verloren hat?
Wussten Sie schon, dass er furchtbare Angst hat und depressiv ist
und es scheint, dass er all sein Vertrauen verloren hat?

Blind pilot?

The flight was from San Francisco to Los Angeles. By the time the plane took off, there had been a 45-minute delay and everybody on board was upset. Then unexpectedly, the plane stopped in Sacramento on the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be another 45-minute delay, and if anyone wanted to get off the aircraft, they would reboard in 30 minutes.
Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind. His seeing-eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight. He had flown this very flight before and the pilot approached him and, calling him by name, said, "Lou, we're in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?"
Lou replied, "No thanks, but could you please take my dog out to go potty?"
The pilot replied "Sure Thing!"
The pilot then walk off the plane with the seeing-eye dog, who promptly lifted his leg on the plane's landing gear.
But the real problem was that pilot was even wearing sunglasses and walking with what was obviously a seeing-eye dog. People scattered. They not only tried to change planes, they tried to change airlines!

(Author unknown)

An Deiner Seite geht ein Hund

An Deiner Seite geht ein Hund,
mal ist er schlank, mal ist er rund.
Dem Hund ist das egal,
für den Mensch oft ein Jammertal.
Nicht alle bleiben treu an Deiner Seite,
manch einer sucht ganz schnell das Weite.
Ausgesetzt und angebunden,
die kleine Seele oft zerschunden,
doch Du gibst nicht auf,
sondern baust darauf,
dass es denen einen Menschen gibt,
der Dich ganz zärtlich liebt.
Dem wirst Du dann alles geben,
für alle Zeit in Deinem Hundeleben.
(Autor unbekannt)


You are a hairy fleabag.
You never do a stitch of work.
You like to shag complete strangers with the sole intention of underlining my own social inhibitions.
Sometimes you smell like old red wine, a bouquet of damp fur.
Not only are you colour-blind, you also cannot tell the difference between a carpet and a couch.
You pretend that you find the word “no” incomprehensible.
You insist on sharing your unmelodious bark with the entire neighbourhood.
For some reasons, you are afraid of the postman. He just freaks you out.
You are utterly shameless.
You are the laziest, dirtiest, most stubborn and presumptuous thing I have ever known.
And I think you are perfect.

(Author unknown)

Nicht der geringste Kummer

Nicht der geringste Kummer, den wir ertragen müssen, wenn sie von uns gehen diese stillen Freunde, ist, dass sie so viele Jahre unseres Lebens mit sich nehmen.
Doch wenn sie darin Wärme finden, wer würde ihnen diese Jahre missgönnen, die sie über uns gewacht haben?
Und was immer sie mit sich nehmen, sei versichert, sie haben es verdient.

(John Galsworthy (1867-1933), Übersetzer unbekannt)

Als die Erde mit all ihren Lebewesen erschaffen wurde

Als die Erde mit all ihren Lebewesen erschaffen wurde, war es nicht die Absicht des Schöpfers, dass nur Menschen auf ihr leben sollten. Wir wurden zusammen mit unseren Brüdern und Schwestern in diese Welt gesetzt, mit denen, die vier Beine haben, die fliegen, und mit denen, die schwimmen. All diese Lebewesen, auch die kleinsten Gräser und die größten Bäume, bilden mit uns eine große Familie. 

Wir alle sind Geschwister und gleich an Wert auf dieser Erde. 

(Aus der Danksagung der Irokesen)


Denn das Tier soll nicht vom Menschen gemessen werden.
In einer Welt, die älter und vollständiger ist als die unsere,
bewegen sie sich vollendet und perfekt, gesegnet mit einer Wachheit der Sinne,
die wir verloren oder noch nie erreicht haben.
Sie leben mit Stimmen, die wir niemals hören werden.
Sie sind weder Brüder noch Untertanen: Sie sind andere Nationen,
mit uns gefangen im gleichen Netz von Zeit und Leben, Mitgefangene
in der Großartigkeit und Mühsal des irdischen Daseins.
(Henry Beston (1888-1968), aus „The Outermost House“, Übersetzer unbekannt)

Das traurige Leben eines Sokas

An einem Tag wie diesem
da ward ich gebor'n
hilflos da liegend
nahm ich nur sehr wenig wahr
winzig und zart
so ward ich geborn
an einem solchen Tag
Irgendwann öffne ich die Augen
und bestaune die Welt
ich beginne zu laufen
immer hinter Mama her
ich tapse und falle
meinen Brüdern hinter her
ich bestaune die Welt
alles rings um mich her


Nachts, wenn die Arbeit getan war,
saßen die Hunde um das Feuer und
sprachen vom Menschen.
Sie erzählten die uralten Geschichten
und wiederholten die uralten Legenden,
und darin war der Mensch ein Gott.
Und es war besser so.
Denn ein Gott kann nichts Falsches tun.
(Clifford D. Simak (1904-1988), aus „Als es noch Menschen gab“, Übersetzer unbekannt)

Der Hund

Da oben wird das Bild von einer Welt
aus Blicken immerfort erneut und gilt.
Nur manchmal, heimlich, kommt ein Ding und stellt
sich neben ihn, wenn er durch dieses Bild
sich drängt, ganz unten, anders, wie er ist;
nicht ausgestoßen und nicht eingereiht,
und wie im Zweifel seine Wirklichkeit
weggebend an das Bild, das er vergißt,
um dennoch immer wieder sein Gesicht
hineinzuhalten, fast mit einem Flehen,
beinah begreifend, nah am Einverstehen
und doch verzichtend: denn er wäre nicht.
(Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926))

An den Hund eines Toten

Der Tod den edlen Herrn dir nahm,
Vergebens suchst du seine Wege.
Du blickst mich an, ja, komm und lege
Auf meinen Schoß dein Haupt voll Gram.
Aus deinen Augen, treues Tier!
Schaut eine stumme, tiefe Klage,
Und geht an mich die ernste Frage:
"Wo find ich ihn? Mensch! sag es mir!"
Wend ab dein fragend Auge nur!
Was könnt' ein armer Mensch dir sagen?
Antwortet ja auf solche Fragen
Selbst ihm mit Schweigen die Natur.
(Justinus Kerner (1786-1862))

Wie ein Hund

Du sagst, du wärst so müde wie ein Hund,
So reizbar, krank und hungrig wie ein Hund,
So matt und melancholisch wie ein Hund,
so träge, schläfrig, müßig wie ein Hund.
Doch warum vergleichst Du dich mit einem Hund?
Worin der Mensch gering schätzt einen Hund,
Stell ich dich besser gleich mit einem Hund.
Du bist so treu und ehrlich wie ein Hund,
Bist unbefangen, lieb, so wie ein Hund,
Du bist so klug und tapfer wie ein Hund.
(Sir John Davies (1569 - 1626))


Frohe Weihnachten / Merry Christmas

Missing you at Christmas (11)

A show to remember

I'm sitting at the ringside at a championship show
So who is in the line-up? Let's look along the row and see ...
There's Mrs. "I've won everything" who always heads the line,
She's got her smartest suit on and the dog is looking fine.
She knows her "fave" all rounder is judging in the group,
But it would take a Best in Show win to make her cock-a-hoop.
Now Mr. "Got it in the bag" sports a conceited grin.
He only has to turn up to guarantee this win.
He knows his dog's by far the best the judge has told him so,
And what's more he believes it and let's everybody know.

The perfect show site

Imagine you’re going to hold a dog show in your own backyard. You'd want to emulate all those big name dog shows you’ve gone to over the years, right? Follow along with me now as I share details of how I'd go about throwing a dog show that would have the ‘feel’ of some shows I’ve attended in my life:
First, I'm going to plant a tree in the middle of the show ring. I’m going to let it grow nice and big and a week before the show; I’ll yank it out of the ground, roots and all. The resultant hole will be sodded over so that exhibitors won’t know of its existence until they step into it during a ring pattern, preferably at high speed. Expert grounds men will be on hand to rappel down into the hole to recover exhibitors and their dogs.
Each ring will include tent stakes and rope extending 16 feet into the ring - well in the path of any ring pattern. Though at present, I’m unsure of what type of rope to use, I’m leaning towards something that is exceedingly difficult to see and has enough ‘give’ in it to THWACK exhibitors on their behinds as they fall over it.

The seven stage apprenticeship for breeders

The Beginner: Doing everything wrong. Buying wrong. Feeding wrong.
The Learner: Who now realize they have started badly and while still keeping their original mistake, have now learned better and are doing their best to set out on the right path.
The Novice: Who have corrected their mistakes and are starting to win and are beginning to be known and recognized by other breeders and exhibitors.
The Everlasting Novice: These are always nice people with an equally charming dog. To them, dogs are a pleasant and interesting hobby.

Death of a Judge

VCA Standard Operating Procedure:
Instructions on the Death of a Judge
Regulation NR.29, Section 6, Article #29 
It has recently been brought to the attention of the Committee of Management that many judges have been dying while on duty for apparently no good reason. Furthermore, these same judges are refusing to fall over after they are dead.
This practice must stop at once. Effective May 1, 1999, under regulation NR.29, Section 6, any judge found sitting up after he/she dies will be dropped from the Approved Judges List immediately without any investigation. However when it can be proven that said Judge is being supported by a Handler, Steward, or large dog, a ninety day grace period will be granted.

The following procedure shall be strictly adhered to and observed:

Dear dog owner email letter

Dear dog owner,
Are you experiencing too many reserves and 2nd places to inferior animals in the dog show ring? In the agility and/or obedience ring, does your dog forget his own name? Well, this simple chain letter is meant to bring relief and happiness to you. Unlike most chain letters, it doesn't cost money.
Simply send a copy to six other dog owners who are dissatisfied with the way their dogs are working and showing. Also bundle up your dog and send him/her to the dog owner at the top of this list, and add your name to the bottom of the list. Do not use a return address or the post office may try to contact you. In one week, you will receive 16,436 dogs, and at least one of them should be a keeper!

(Author unknown)


Missing you at Christmas (10)

Christmas wish


Bluey was a bouncing big dog with sparkling, ivory teeth and jaws to match. A Blue Heeler as his name implies. He lived on an isolated property, the boss’s pride and joy. When visitors came Bluey would leap down the path, a gyrating bundle of jollity, his cavernous mouth parted in a gleaming smile, and CHOMP, right on the visitor’s heel. 

The visitors were mostly stockmen and neighbours and the occasional ne’er do well, so nobody seemed to mind too much, or said they didn’t, which is almost the same thing. Then the Father came. A travelling priest on his annual rounds came unsuspecting through the gate. 

His charming smile and "Hello, good dog," passed our Blue completely by. He dodged the hand that was meant to pat, and , hopefully, mollify. CHOMP he went as is his wont, and didn’t that old priest yell! 

The beginning of the end

A friend gives you a dog ...
You build a small shelter ... $150
You fence in a run ... $450
Purchase special diet dog food ... $2,000/yr
Purchase a portable kennel and x-pen ... $800
Purchase 2nd dog ... $500
Build larger shelter with storage ... $2,000
More fencing ... $1,200
Purchase 3rd dog ... $800
Purchase 4 matching crates ... $500
Purchase larger van ... $23,000
Purchase 4 acres next door ... $38,000
More fencing ... $2,000

You know you’ve gone to the ‘dogs’ when ... (2)

Gifts you & your spouse/significant other exchange consist of: grooming tables, X-pens, crates, stand dryers, etc. 

Your son makes you a set of pooper-scoopers in Metals 101. 

Your daughter surprises you with a Kennel Sign from Wood Shop class. 

Your phone bill is higher than the National Debt. 

No item of clothing is bought without clearing the following hurdles:
a)         Does it have pockets?
b)        Will dog hair show?
c)         Will slobber blend in?
d)        Does the colour go with my dog/s? 

A week-end get-away is a 3 day show. 

Dog people

Dog people ...
  • are a special breed not usually recognized by the AKC.
  • think everyone has dog crates in their living room.
  • have messy houses yet their kennels are spotless.
  • can always find a show catalogue from somewhere within arm's reach.
  • have kids who know more about the "birds and the bees" when they're five, than most people know when they are 40.
  • drive trucks, vans, and station wagons especially equipped to haul dog crates.
  • can never be reached on a weekend, they're usually at a dog show.


Missing you at Christmas (9)

Herz gesucht

Herz gesucht, auch leicht getragen,
und nicht kreislaufstörungsfrei,
aber fähig gut zu schlagen
und vor allem herzlich treu.
Das im Dünnen wie im Dicken,
stets Gefährte bleibt und Freund
und aus völlig freien Stücken
ehrlich ist - und nicht nur scheint!
Das nicht lügt und nicht gemein ist
und nie ander´n sich verschreibt,
das, wenn man in Not allein ist,
trotzdem da ist - und auch bleibt.
Herz gesucht! - und schon gefunden,
klug, bescheiden und gesund,
treu sogar mit überstunden:
(Autor unbekannt)

I pity the man

I pity the man who has never known
The pleasure of owning a pup;
Who never has watched his funny ways
In the business of growing up.
I pity the man who enters his gate
Alone and unnoticed at night,
No dog to welcome him joyously home
With his frantic yelps of delight.
I pity the man who never receives,
In hours of bitterest woe,
Sympathy shown by a faithful dog
In a way only he seems to know.
I pity the man with a hatred of dogs;
He is missing from life something fine;
For the friendship between a man and his dog
Is a feeling almost divine.
(Author unknown)

Die beste Medizin

In den Augen meines Hundes
Liegt mein ganzes Glück,
All mein Inneres, Krankes, Wundes
Heilt in seinem Blick.
(Friederike Kempner)

Your friend

Perhaps you think I do not earn
My board and all my keep.
But who gives you security
When you are fast asleep?
Who, when the master's out of town
keeps beggar folk at bay,
And gives you sweet companionship
When you're alone all day?
With every bark and loving sign,
Let me be yours and you be mine.
Love me, train me, let me be,
Your closest friend eternally.
(Author unknown)

How long?

Jimmy lived in the country away from the city. Near his home, there was a beautiful lake surrounded by a meadow, some woods and fields. Jimmy and his friend Willie loved to go down to the lake to watch all the animals, birds and fish. There were cardinals, crows, finches, robins and many other beautiful birds. Other creatures included butterflies, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits and now and then he would see a fox.
One day as Jimmy and Willie were sitting by the lake watching all the action around them, they began to wonder how long it would take to create these creatures. For example, the butterflies are very delicate, but have beautiful colors. Wouldn’t you think that it would take a long time to paint the beautiful colors on such a creature. And what about a caterpillar? With all the legs on a caterpillar, it would surely take a long time to make one of these crawly creatures.

How the dog became man's best friend

Legend has it that soon after Creation, the earth was torn in two. Man was on one side of the chasm, all the animals on the other. Only the dog tried to find a way across to join the man. He tried to jump the huge abyss but only his forepaws reached the far edge. Man reached down and pulled him to safety, saying, “You shall be my companion forever.” 

(Native American legend)

Dogs know

Dogs know, if men do not, that dogs and men are close, perhaps too much sometimes, and they do not prattle of their deep wisdom, but it’s the truth and what they have to know. Truth and what they give. Even if they do not wish, they must, and follow at a heel, and haunt a doorstep, and cry when we are gone, or roll in the dust. To entertain us, yielding up a paw into a hand. They whine because the throat cannot articulate, and even plead for man’s forgiving on an anguished note, when the legs cannot move fast enough, or faults of clumsiness and frolic seem to raise human wrath. O, we are given much by these little beasts who aggravate our days with their absurdities and ignorance, their jealous faithfulness, their eyes that tell as if man were stripped to bone, had nothing more, and found bare. He still would find his dog beside him there, to give him comfort, and to tell him then, how good and splendid is the race of men. Perhaps the only error and the lie, DOGS TELL TO MEN. 

(Author unknown)

A new disease

We have identified a new disease, probably caused by a virus among dog-owning people. It apparently has been in existence for a considerable time, but only recently has anyone identified this disease, and begun to study it. We call it the Acquired Canine Obsessive Syndrome (ACOS). At first, ACOS was originally considered to be psychological in nature, but after two young researchers here suddenly decided to become show breeders, we realized that we were dealing with an infectious agent. Epidemiologists here have identified three stages of this disease and typical symptoms, and they are: 

Chip fever (Dogus Addictus)

Obsessive focus on all things related to dogs – seeing dog shapes in clouds and inkblots, finding dog references in unrelated conversations, pointing out other people’s ability to own more dogs, going out of one’s way to talk to other dog owners and to look at dog-related items. Narcolepsia manifesting itself through repetitive dreaming of dogs and all things related to dogs, and through inability to sleep without being pinned down by warm fuzzy object.
Symptoms may prevent patient from being productive at work, and from functioning socially. This illness is also highly contagious, and can be contracted via e-mail. 

A dog’s prayer for his owner

O Lord of humans, make my master faithful to his fellow men as I am to him. Grant that he may be as devoted to his friends and family as I am to him.
May he be openfaced and undeceptive as I am; may he be true to trust reposed in him as I am to his.
Give him a face cheerful like unto my wagging tail. Give him a spirit of gratitude like unto my flicking tongue.
Fill him with patience like unto mine that awaits his footsteps uncomplainingly for hours.
Fill him with my watchfulness, my courage, and my readiness to sacrifice comfort or life itself.
Keep him always young in heart and endowed with the spirit of play, as I am.
Make him as good a man as I am a dog. And make him worthy of me, his dog. 


(Author unknown)


Missing you at Christmas (8)


Just the other side of death’s curtain is the Summerlands. All the pets who have died go through this curtain and though they can still watch us, we can't see them. Sometimes the curtain is thin in places and we catch a glimpse of our lost companion waiting on the other side. Sometimes the curtain twitches as they look through at us and we can feel them or feel a sudden draft as the curtain falls back into place. 

The Summerlands exist in the long, lazy late afternoons of an eternal golden summer of remembered childhood; the time when everything seems most alive and sweetest smelling. Our animals are young again and turned to perfect health. There is always space and time to play and love, places to be with others and places to be alone together. 

When our time comes, the curtain is lifted from our eyes and we can see the Summerlands ourselves. Waiting there for us are the animals and people we loved in life and we can see them clearly at last. They have come for us to move away from the curtain and renew these interrupted friendships. Sometimes we can't help but take a peek through the curtain just to see how our own loved ones are doing before they come to join us.

(Sarah Hartwell;
Author has released this into the public domain so that it may be freely distributed.)

Nur ein kleiner Hund

Ein Mensch, der einsam ist und alt,
Erwirbt sich einen Hund, und bald
Merkt er und kann es kaum verstehn,
Wie Trübsal nebst den leiden Wehn
Zusammenschmelzen wie das Eis.
Es flüstert eine Stimme leis
Ihm in das Ohr und tut ihm kund:
Dein bester Freund, das ist der Hund.
Kehrt Mensch nach einem Gang nach Haus,
Empfängt ihn Hund mit Saus und Braus.
Jubelnd außer Rand und Band
Küsst er die dargebotne Hand,
Dass es von leeren Wänden schallt.
Der Mensch mit Hund wird niemals alt.
Er blickt dem Morgen ins Gesicht.
Ein Mensch mit Hund vereinsamt nicht.
(Berti Wohlert)

There is a new star shining in the sky tonight …

There is an old belief that the stars shining in the night sky are the spirits of those who have died. They have shed their earthly bodies and exchanged them for bodies made of light; thousands upon thousands of our dear departed friends all promoted to glory in the night sky. There is another saying that the brightest flame burns the shortest. 

My friend, you were the brightest star in my own universe. While I burn on, my flame dimmed by grief and despair at your passing, the stars are watching me. They are too far away for me to touch, just as you have gone somewhere I cannot follow until my own star-time comes. They cannot be held close for comfort, just as I can no longer hold you close, though I held you close to comfort you in your final hours. We were together for such a short time, but the stars will burn forever. 

One day I will grow tired of this earthbound body, my own star-time will come and my spirit will soar into the sky to burn with all those friends who have gone before me. On the inky cloth of space we will be reunited in constellations of joy. Until then, my flame burns low and dim and cold without you. Through my tears I look upwards to see if you are watching me and what do I see? 

There is a new star shining in the sky tonight. 

(Sarah Hartwell;
Author has released this into the public domain so that it may be freely distributed.)

The Animal’s Eden

The Animal's Eden is a huge, beautiful walled garden where all pets go until such time as their human companions can join them. Only pet animals go to this walled garden and there are other special places for all the other animals, and especially beautiful places for animals who have suffered while on Earth and whose souls need peace and healing before they can move on. The garden is full of lawns and hedges, flower borders and shrubberies, wildflower meadows and patios of red brick. All of this is surrounded by a wall, just like a Middle Ages English garden, but much, much larger. The wall is not to keep the animals in and the garden is so huge that none of them feel as though they are in any way enclosed. And in any case there is a special gate, but I will come to that later. 

In the Animal's Eden all the pets that have passed over and are waiting for their special human are free to do what they want, and because it is a heavenly place, none of them want to do anything that harms their animal friends. The horses and ponies graze and gallop in the meadows. The dogs romp on the lawns and sniff in the shrubberies. The cats lounge on the patios, basking in the sunshine, or take their ease in the dappled shade of trees. Birds are no longer caged, but fly free in the trees, eating the plentiful fruit and seeds. None of them actually feel hungry, but are provided with heavenly food if they wish so that they can eat without harming the others waiting alongside them. The garden is full of every kind of animal that has ever been a pet and which has someone special it wishes to wait for. 

What the AD says … What the AD means

  • Noted Judge .................... He put up our dog
  • Respected Judge .................... He put up our dog twice
  • Esteemed Judge .................... He puts up anything that crawls
  • Shown sparingly .................... Only when we had it in the bag
  • Show Prospect .................... He has 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 tail
  • Finished in 5 shows .................... And 89 where he failed to win a ribbon
  • He has good points .................... His head is shaped like a carrot
  • Won in heavy competition .................... The others were revoltingly overweight
  • Multiple group winner .................... at 2 puppy matches
  • Specialist Judge .................... Puts up anything that looks like his own breeding
  • Well balanced .................... Straight as a stick, front and rear
  • Quiet Gentle natured .................... after 4 valiums
  • Excels in type and style .................... However, moves like a spider on speed
  • Personality Plus .................... Wakes up if you put liver up his nose
  • Large boned .................... Looks like a Clydesdale
  • Good Bite .................... Missed the judge, got the steward
  • Lovely head .................... 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 1 nose

Dear dogs …

Dear dogs,

While you know I love you dearly, there are a couple of things that have been bothering me lately. I thought it might help me to get them off my chest. While I have tried to talk to you about it, you seem to miss the point. I thought perhaps a letter might lend it more weight.

1. Feeding time
I feed you adequate amounts of food, and moreover, do so every day, consistently. I would appreciate it if you would limit your enthusiasm at my every movement prior to 7:00 am and until after 10:00 pm. If I roll over in bed, this does not necessarily mean I am getting up to feed you. In the same way, shifting my position on the couch at night does not mean I am getting up to feed you. Also, I am grouchy in the morning when I get up. I would appreciate if if when I shower you not wait at attention at the bathroom door. Please wait until after I have had my coffee. I promise, I won't forget to feed you. I know I did that once, but that was over 10 years ago and I would appreciate it if you would take into account my exemplary performance since that time. 

Ode to Mr. Chewman

So carefully were you chosen so many months ago
By a happy Belgian puppy when his mommy let him go.
They'd come to shop for toys that day and it was you he took.
How could we know in later days you'd end up with this look?
You whiled away the happy hours with the little Belgian boy
From time to time forgotten, but still his favourite toy.
The spins you took in the washer never seemed to bother you
But as this day grew closer I wonder if you knew.
On a hot and sunny summer day, no different from the rest
I heard a distant rumbling, more storms coming from the west?
By then the floor was shaking and the walls were trembling too,
"Look out!", I cried, "A Belgian stampede!" but it was too late for you.