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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Sid's Story

It was the last day of a self-funded trip to Sri Lanka in 2005, and my friend Morag and I were feeding the strays near our hotel before flying back to the UK. Suddenly a gangly flea ridden dog staggered towards us collapsing at our feet. We had never seen him before, but knew we had to get him to the vets quickly. The dog had been badly beaten by locals and his front legs appeared broken. Part of his paw was also severed. The dog sensed we were his last hope and as we rushed him to the vets we decided to call him Sid.
As well as his injuries, Sid was infected with Dirofilaria Repens, a serious disease in dogs which is transmitted by mosquitoes. He was emaciated, dehydrated and covered in ticks and mange mites. In view of his neglected state, the vets were cynical about Sid's chances of survival. But we decided to give him a chance of life and paid to keep him there for as long as it would take to make him well again.
We had little time before our flight home, but before leaving managed to give Sid his first ever bath, gently removed the ticks from his ears and fed him a hearty meal and some fresh water.
We gave him a final hug as we left and Sid howled pitifully. He broke our hearts and we never thought we would see him again.
But this courageous dog pulled through and we decided to bring him back to the UK. It was an emotional journey, but Sid's battle for life was not yet over. During the first month of his quarantine he started passing blood from his genitals. He had a large Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT) missed by the Sri Lankan vets. The quarantine vet refused to administer the chemotherapy (Vincristine) to cure him and tried to persuade me to have Sid put to sleep. But I refused because I knew about this disease from my work in Sri Lanka, and the treatment is highly effective. After some harrowing weeks, my own vet agreed to help Sid and fortunately his premises met with DEFRA's approval. Animals in quarantine are strictly regulated and any movement outside the quarantine premises has to be authorised by DEFRA. The veterinary costs for the chemotherapy and transport to the vets were huge and this was in addition to the hefty quarantine costs, all funded from our wages. Sid was also found to have a tick borne disease - Ehrlichiosis, which had also been missed by vets in Sri Lanka. But, despite very thing life had thrown at him, this brave boy sailed through all his treatments and is now healthy, although he remains disabled due to leg injuries.
(Author unknown)

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