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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Much more than a mate

Hidden in the misty Scottish highlands
where the purple bells of heather gently sway,
lies the ancient wellspring of our rich endowment,
that lives in you, my faithful friend, today.
On a journey marked by love and dedication,
two centuries our fathers walked with you,
from the frosty fields of  northern habitation,
to the land of searing sands the Dingoes knew.
And your seed was sown with sound deliberation,
as your purpose here on Earth was well defined,
for the harsh new land demanded high distinction,
sought the best of all, together in one kind.

A tribute to a best friend

Sunlight streams through the windowpane unto a spot on the floor ...
then I remember, it's where you used to lie, but now you are no more.
Our feet walk down a hall of carpet, and muted echoes sound ...
then I remember, it's where your paws would joyously abound.
Voice is heard along the road, and up beyond the hill,
then I remember it can't be yours ... your golden voice is still.
But I'll take that vacant spot of floor and empty muted hall
and lay them with the absent voice and unused dish along the wall.
I'll wrap these treasured memorials in a blanket of my love
and keep them for my best friend until we meet above.
(Cooper Ott)


In loving memory

Your time on earth has reached an end
Our home will never be the same
For memories of you greeting me
Will always linger and remain
Your napping spot, your feeding bowl
Your toys are all still scattered
Your life on earth as my best friend
Tells the world how much you mattered
And now my dear beloved pet
One last command I send
Please wait for me in heaven
As my eternal friend
(Theresa K. Hardy)


She cannot say good-bye

It is a comfortable little place - their home
and it is paid for, cozy, and theirs alone
Just the two of them, therein, reside
... an older lady and the aging canine

Listening to the radio, as the storm grew
tears well in her eyes, upon hearing the news
She gazes at her friend, and he regards her, too
Reporters are saying everyone must now go ...
she was to pack only what she needed from home. 

A shelter dog’s poem

Once upon a time, you see,
There was this little pup
For reasons unbeknownst to me,
His family gave him up
Maybe it was chewing
Everything that he could find
Maybe they were busy and
Just didn’t have the time
They took him to the shelter
And they just left him there
Outside, alone, in the cage
Shivering and scared


A poem dedicated to my Pit Bulls

When it comes that day for me to say goodbye I will not promise, I will not cry. I will miss your wrinkled faces and rolly polly bellies and the sound of your toe nails running down the hall. The cute little way you nibble at my toes and the sweet little way you cuttled up next to my clothes. You brought me so many laughes. I promise everyone of you will b missed. It is now time you’re you to go on to your new homes to run and play and show love to all. Show them how sweet Pit Bulls can b and show them there is no such things as the Bully Breed. You will always b my little angels and bring a smile to my face with each thought. I wish I could keep you all to myself but that would be selfish of me not to share my wealth of smiles and happiness that you bring. I am sure you will bring joy to your new owners life just as you have done in mine. So b safe my little angels I love you all. I will look in on you and make sure you grow tall. So keep running and play and being so sweet and I will look forward to the next time we meet.
(Joseph Allen Suiter)

Remembering …

Remembering …
… the good times;
the funny times;
the Don’t eat THAT! times;
the Arrrghhh, what have you done times;
the leave it, leave it, LEAVE IT,
Oh for CRYING OUT LOUD times.
… the furry hug times,
the warm bed times,
the cheering up times;
the welcome home times;
the just me and my dog times.
… all these times and so very many more.
Thank you for making this life better.
(Author unknown)


What animal do I speak of?

Their love is like no other, their heart as pure as gold.
Yet while going on a friendly walk, they're faced with stares of cold.
They're so very close to human, in how they act and what they do,
Unless you've known their devoted love, it's impossible to explain to you.
They are greatly more misunderstood, than any other breeds.
We tend to punish this loyal dog, instead of mankind's deeds.
They are always and forever clowns, with a wish for center stage.
Yet while displaying this sense of humor, most people disengage.
They, oh, so want to make new friends, and run and jump and play.
Yet when they happily approach, most people shy away.
Often I've seen children poke, or hop on for a ride.

When I look into the eyes of an animal

When I look into the eyes of an animal
I do not see an animal.
I see a living being.
I see a friend.
I feel a soul.
(Author unknown)


Two lost souls

"Did you hear that?" the old dog shouted.
They all ran to the front of their kennel doors to see if someone was coming to "pick them."
"Sorry," he said to the other dogs as his ears fell down from their perked position.  "I could have sworn I heard voices saying, 'Isn't he cute?  It's Christmas, can't we take him home with us?'"
"You must have been dreaming again old man," said the dog in the cage next to him. ”Anyway, what's the big deal about getting picked up as a Christmas gift. We've all been through that routine and look where it got us."
The word "home" meant little to these shelter dogs.
"Just once, I'd like to feel the warmth of a hand stroking my head," said the old dog. "I'd like to be the one who kisses the tears off a sad face. I'd like to curl up next to a fire instead of this cold concrete. It hurts my bones."
He curled up and sighed as the others said, "The only place you're going to find that is in your dreams old man."

I gave you shelter

I gave you shelter
You gave me joy.
I gave you food
You gave me loyalty.
I gave you walks
You gave me companionship.
I gave you my heart
You gave me unconditional love.
(Author unknown)


Put to life

The man and woman kept the puppies in the backyard with their mother. The father had been a free roaming mix and belonged to a neighbor. 

Six weeks after the mother gave birth to the seven pups, the couple put out signs in the front, along the road: Free Puppies. 

They had given no more attention to the dog when she was pregnant than they had before. There was nothing special about the sandy-colored mix breed in their eyes. She was valuable only to deter folks from trespassing on the couple's property. When the pups came along they were more a nuisance than anything and the couple wanted to get the puppies off their property as soon as possible.

Days and evenings folks dropped in to pick out one of the free pups. But the black and tan boy was overlooked each time. He was the largest pup. He had a long body, short legs, and a head that looked too big and disproportionate to his wiry-haired frame. And, he looked nothing like his soft-furred siblings. 

The old cattle dog

The two-hour muster took six, when the old dog slipped his chain,
For a wild and loyal moment he thought he was back working again.
His memories took him back to those days when he dodged the bullock's heels
And how he waited in smoke-filled camps for his share of campfire meals.
He puffed and panted behind the riders, sounding like an old steam train,
But his gleaming brown eyes show he's happy to be on a muster again.
His Cattle Dog senses and courage kept him going when walking alone,
I'm sure he knows he'll get a special welcome when he limps to his master's home.


If tears could build a stairway

If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane
We would walk right up to heaven and bring you back again
No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it and only God knows why
Our hearts still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you no one can ever know
But now we know you want us to mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times life still has much in store
Since you'll never be forgotten we pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts is where you'll always stay

(Author unknown)


Forever in my heart

Gone yet not forgotten,
Although we are apart,
Your spirit lives within me,
Forever in my heart.

(Author unknown)


Losing you

Our hearts still ache in sadness,
And secret tears still flow,
What it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.

(Author unknown)


Never forget

Your presence we miss,
Your memories we treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.

(Author unknown)


to fight

humans have taken all that in us is good
twisted and mangled it for the sickness
in a part of the world called the 'hood
others of our race, but not our breed
are used as bait for in-training fights
like us, they go where the humans lead
but it's not their nature to lunge & bite
these gentle souls immersed in violence
must live their life in terror and fright

Now everyone dreams

Now everyone dreams of a love lasting and true
But you and I know what this world can do
So let's make our steps clear that the other may see
And I'll wait for you if I should fall behind wait for me

(Author unknown)


Hunde denken anders ...

Warum stört die Menschen mein Bellen? Ich finde es gemein, dass sich die Leute bei meinem Frauchen beschweren.
Manchmal ist auch sie böse mit mir. Ich kann doch auch nichts dafür, dass ich so ein lautes Organ habe.
Und mein Kollege hinter der Hecke bellt doch auch. Ich  unterhalte mich mit ihm, obwohl ich ihn noch nie gesehen habe. Dafür telefonieren die Menschen stundenlang.
Hinter dem Maschenzaun sitzt eine Katze und putzt sich aufreizend ruhig ihr Fell. Obwohl ich zu ihr hinüberschaue beachtet sie mich nicht, sie ignoriert mich.

Sadie’s Poem

Star Light Star Bright
The First Star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
See my Sadie’s Star tonight.
When I look up in to the sky,
I know that the very first star
I see is Sadie’s star,
and I talk to her all the time,
and I know she’s watching over us .
We love you Sadie Mae …
we always have and always will …
forever and ever.
(Author unknown)


How to spot a dog lover

A dog lover …

  • lets the dog use the bed, and the covers, and the pillows.
  • makes many sacrifices.
  • will go to extreme measures to get his/her dog to eat.
  • rarely works for the postal service.
  • knows if he/she stops in a pet store, it's all over.
  • when there is a house fire, saves the dog first.
  • believes his dog is like American Express - he never leaves home without it.
  • always enjoys a good game of tug of war.
  • will take his dog for a long walk, no matter what the weather.

The old show dog

He was a real nice show dog, but his glory days are through,
And he gazes out the kennel gate, with nothing much to do.
They're loading up the van now, 'cause they're going to a show,
But his showing days are over, and he doesn't get to go.
He watches, tail a waggin', his eyes as bright as they can get,
As his crate goes in he wonders why they haven't bathed him yet.
Then your eyes meet through the kennel fence, and you have to look away,
How are you going to tell him that he's staying home today?
Retirement, they call it, now he's in his 'golden years.'
He doesn't look as old, though, when your eyes are full of tears.
And you think of all the rosettes, and the Best in Show he won,
The more he showed, the better he got, and then he had a son ...



Die dargestellten Gedankengänge eines Golden Retriever laufen in Sekundenschnelle ab. Wirklich erstaunlich. Für mich besonders erstaunlich, da Finja normalerweise keine schnelle Denkerin ist.

Dog logic

In a field or town, at work or rest

In a field or town, at work or rest,
The Dog will always try his best.
As guard and helper, ears and guide
The Dog is with us, there, by our side.
The slipper chewed and carpet torn
Will be forgotten in the morn
When pleading eyes and trusting paw
Beg forgiveness - just once more.
We say we care, then turn away
From unloved pup and unwanted stray;
Keep them warm, see they are fed.
Yet we should care, for in the end,
Who can deny that Dog is man's best friend.
Keep well and warm, till next time.
(Author unknown)

American Pit Bull Terriers

Their love is like no other; their heart is pure as gold.
Yet while going on a friendly walk, they're faced with stares of cold.
They're so very close to human, in how they act and what they do.
Unless you've known their devoted love, it's impossible to explain to you.
They are greatly more MISUNDERSTOOD than any other breed.
We tend to punish this loyal dog, instead of mankind's deeds.
They are always and forever clowns, with a wish for center stage.
Yet while displaying this sense of humor, most people disengage.
They, oh, so want to make new friends, and run and jump and play.
Yet when they happily approach, most people shy away.
Often I've seen children poke, or hop on for a ride.
And when I felt they might get mad, they've only beamed with pride.
I've seen these children yank and pull, with nary a reaction.
Yet media's not interested, unless they've put someone in traction.
They love to snuggle up real close, to give lots of loves and kisses.
Yet they suffer more than any, from unfair prejudices.
What animal do I speak of, whose love is so unique?
If you've truly known one, you know of whom I speak.
There is no creature on this earth who will ever make you merrier.
The animal I do speak of, it's the American Pit Bull Terrier.
(Patty Letawsky)


Hilarious Golden Retriever really wants to race but ... first things first.

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.

Lösegeld für meinen Hund

Schreckliche Geräusche dringen an mein Ohr. Autoreifen quietschen,  erschreckte Menschenschreie und ein Hund heult auf.
Ich renne auf die Straße. Ein schwarzer Hund mit weißem Latz auf der Brust, weißen Pfötchen und einer weißen Schwanzspitze sei von einem Auto erfasst und in die Luft geschleudert worden.
Darauf sei der Hund, wie der Blitz, über die Wiese weggelaufen. Richtung Wald. Kein Zweifel, das ist Cimba, mein Hund. Er ist noch jung und ich habe einen Moment nicht aufgepasst.
Von den Herumstehenden wird mir erklärt, dass Hunde, und auch Katzen, werden sie angefahren, erst mal weglaufen um sich zu verkriechen. Die meisten verbluten da an ihren inneren Verletzungen und werden irgendwann tot aufgefunden.
Diese Horrorvision vor Augen gibt mir immense Kräfte. Ich suche stundenlang im Wald, in den umliegenden Maisfeldern. Mir fällt der berühmte Heuhaufen ein. Es ist sinnlos.
Von Aufgeben keine Spur. Ich denke nach.

A letter to my dog

Dear Dog,
since you seem to have so much trouble processing the English language no  matter how loudly it is spoken to you, I thought perhaps I could clarify a few things.
First, please allow me to assure you that you are not starving. In fact, if the  newspapers bothered to publish a canine version of those irritating  "body-mass indices" that my daughter so delights in reading aloud to me, I'm  sure we would discover that you've got far more waddle in your walk than is  strictly necessary. The way you visually track every bite of food I take, with  a trembling expression of frantic pleading, is most annoying.
Speaking of walks: We've been taking the same route around the same block for nine years. For you to sob, whine, and tremble every time I get out your leash is just crazy.


The last goodbyes

As you hold them in your arms
And say your last good-byes
Look close into the fading light
that flickers in their eyes
They are not afraid
because they know when a sparrow falls
she falls into the hands of God
all creatures great and small
They don't live as long as humans do
this too is a part of God's plan
for animals are God's angels
to be there for you when he can't

A pet’s prayer

My people are so precious, Lord;
I know You think so, too ...
And I believe You put me here
To love them just for You!
They take such gentle care of me
And have such tender hearts ...
Please use me, Lord, to comfort them
Whenever teardrops start.


I haven’t left you, not really

It’s true –
When I come to you in dreams,
I’m really there.
When you see me out of the corner of your eye,
I’m really there.
When you “sense” me around the place,
I’m really there.
I haven’t left you, not really.
My spirit is everywhere,
but especially with you.
(Author unknown)

The heart of one who loves …

Once you have loved an animal truly with all your heart
it's hard to see another suffer in any part.
The love you have for yours is transferred to all others,
and to see one hurt in any way makes you hug your own much tighter.
In their sad eyes, you see instead a face you know and love,
imagining what ifs and could have beens you never want to dream of.
Except for fate and chance this could have been your own.
And THAT is what will break you, the love this one SHOULD have known.
Because I've given MY heart to a pet, it will never again belong to me,
a little piece breaks off to travel with every homeless pet I see.
(© Cyndi Lott for mcaspets.org;
Permission to use granted provided author & website remain intact)


Der freundliche Hund

Ein Hund weiß schon im Kindesalter,
wer im Hause der Verwalter.
Er bewacht nach Hundebrauch,
alle, die Verwandten auch.
Steht einer an der Gartentür,
so unnütz wie ein Darmgeschwür.
Springt er mit einem Freudentanz,
an ihm hoch mit Wedelschwanz.
Solange bis kein Hemd mehr sauber,
und die Seidenstrümpfe reissen.
Alle hat er schon vertrieben,
ohne einmal zuzubeissen.
Braver Hund.

(Wally Lindl)


Ich möchte mich vielmals bei Wally Lindl bedanken, dass ich ihre Gedichte und Geschichten auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen darf.