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Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Put to life

The man and woman kept the puppies in the backyard with their mother. The father had been a free roaming mix and belonged to a neighbor. 

Six weeks after the mother gave birth to the seven pups, the couple put out signs in the front, along the road: Free Puppies. 

They had given no more attention to the dog when she was pregnant than they had before. There was nothing special about the sandy-colored mix breed in their eyes. She was valuable only to deter folks from trespassing on the couple's property. When the pups came along they were more a nuisance than anything and the couple wanted to get the puppies off their property as soon as possible.

Days and evenings folks dropped in to pick out one of the free pups. But the black and tan boy was overlooked each time. He was the largest pup. He had a long body, short legs, and a head that looked too big and disproportionate to his wiry-haired frame. And, he looked nothing like his soft-furred siblings. 

After his mother weaned him he ate what was left out for his mom, but he wasn't growing like he should. Soon, he wasn't feeling so good. His mom tried to play with him but he felt too poorly to join her. He was vomiting and his stools had turned yellow and bloody. It got so bad; most of the time he couldn't perceive where he was or what was going on.

One morning the woman came out, wrapped an old towel around him and laid him roughly in a cardboard box. The woman dropped him off at a place where many animals were kept in pens and cages. 

A young man at the new place took the pup into a room of steel and tile. A woman in a white outfit quickly looked the puppy over, then shook her head. 

"His Parvo has progressed beyond any treatment options." She caressed his head, while looking into his large eyes. The pain from his sickness was etched in the fur boy's expression. 

The lady looked at her assistant. "Does he have a name?" 

The young man shook his head, and then turned his gaze away from the poor pup. This was a part of his job he found soul bruising. He took in a deep breath and steeled his heart. 

She continued to stroke his head and the gravely ill pup's eyes lost some of that edge the pain had instilled - so wonderful did it feel to be caressed so. Her voice was soft and soothing - the pup's breathing became less erratic and the look of illness stored in his eyes faded a bit with the pleasure of her ministrations. 

The vet asked her assistant to fetch what she needed. The young man winced. He didn't think he'd ever get used to this - another innocent soul to be put to death.

He turned, quickly clenched his eyelids shut to stop the burning of pent up tears. He gathered the shaver, syringe, and the vial of liquid. 

As the vet shaved a spot on the pup's forearm and prepared the solution, the attendant held the boy pup close, talking softly, petting him gently. In moments it was done. The attendant felt the last breath the pup in his arms gave up - just as the frail body went limp. 

He awoke and found himself in tall green grass. He sat up and looked around. He saw dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, playing and relaxing. All of them appeared healthy and happy. Next to a large bridge of many colors he noticed others sat watchfully, eagerly, and he wondered what they were waiting for. Was there something coming across the bridge? 

He stood, then padded over to the bridge to see what the others were looking for … Humans!!! Long lines of them behind a misty rainbow veil. As soon as the humans came into view, the pups and older dogs ran forward to meet them and there was much happiness. 

The dogs whimpered of their joy and the humans thanked God for taking such good care of their beloved fur kin. When all the furkin had joined up with their humans the shimmering mist enveloped them and bore them away.

In a short time cats and kittens had gathered at the bridge. As the rainbow mist swirled to life the felines became watchful. 

The black and tan pup walked slowly away. He knew no human would come over the bridge for him. 

"You are right, small one. You have no one to wait for … yet." 

The pup was startled by the voice and he turned a full circle to see who was talking to him. He saw no one, but the air all around him pulsed a silver-gold. 

"You will be put to life. To be loved and spoiled. That is what happens to dogs who didn't have that their first time on Earth. Those of you, who had no human spirit-mate; no heart partner. But you will now! A woman and her son. May you be a blessing, each to the other."

The pup wagged his tail. 

"You will also have a name - Benjamin. Whisper it to them when you are first together and that is what they'll call you." 

The pup barked and his eyes lit up with hopeful anticipation. Before he could bark again, he was gone. 

"I'll see you later, Benjamin. And you will come back happy, for I know you deserve it!" 

On Earth a litter of puppies was born, and one of the boys was named Benjamin. 

(© Kathy Pippig Harris, 2006)


I would like to thank Kathy Pippig Harris for her kind permission to publish her poems and writings on my blog.

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