Willkommen / Welcome

Willkommen / Welcome
Um Gedichte zu lesen, wähle eine Kategorie (Sidebar rechts). / Select a category to read poems (sidebare right).

Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch Finja / Happy Birthday Finja

Cost to life

People and animals are for our love and our care,
Objects and money for our use and our ware.
But all to often the reverse is true,
As we become heartless in the things that we do.
With our money and greed let all life beware,
When it’s objects we love at the expense of welfare
(Author unknown)

Dogs are great in many ways (4)

Dogs save cheetah

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.


Top ten reasons my dog won’t use a computer

10. TOoop nii moo pa3wds … (too hard to type with paws)
09. “sit” and “stay” were hard enough … “delete” and “save” are out of the question.
08. Saliva-coated floppy disk refuse to work
07. Three words … Carpal Paw Syndrome
06. Involuntary tail wagging is a dead giveaway he’s browsing … www.purina.com
05. Fire hydrant icon … simply frustrating
04. Can’t help attacking the screen when he hears … you’ve got mail
03. Too messy to mark every web site he visits
02. Fetch command not available on all platforms
01. Can’t stick his head out of … Windows 95
(Dog Sports Magazine, December 1998 issue)

Fire Pet Safety

(© Lili Chin)
Ich bedanke mich bei Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net) für ihre freundliche Genehmigung, ihre Zeichnungen auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Lili Chin (http://www.doggiedrawings.net) for her kind permission to publish her drawings on my blog.

The dog is man’s best friend

The dog is man’s best friend.
He has a tail on one end.
Up in front he has teeth.
And four legs underneath.
(Ogden Nash, “An Introduction to Dogs”)


Growing old

Growing old does not mean I am weak and losing the battle … rather … that I have proven strong enough to have withstood the test of time … and I have won.

(© Sue Long) 

I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.
Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

Touching dog rescue story

This is the video Zak Anderegg shot when he found and rescued an abandoned puppy in a slot canyon. This story is described in the book, "Rescuing Riley, Saving Myself".

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.

A dog’s tale

German translation here


Chapter I
My father was a St. Bernard, my mother was a collie, but I am a Presbyterian. This is what my mother told me, I do not know these nice distinctions myself. To me they are only fine large words meaning nothing. My mother had a fondness for such; she liked to say them, and see other dogs look surprised and envious, as wondering how she got so much education. But, indeed, it was not real education; it was only show: she got the words by listening in the dining-room and drawing-room when there was company, and by going with the children to Sunday-school and listening there; and whenever she heard a large word she said it over to herself many times, and so was able to keep it until there was a dogmatic gathering in the neighborhood, then she would get it off, and surprise and distress them all, from pocket-pup to mastiff, which rewarded her for all her trouble. If there was a stranger he was nearly sure to be suspicious, and when he got his breath again he would ask her what it meant. And she always told him. He was never expecting this but thought he would catch her; so when she told him, he was the one that looked ashamed, whereas he had thought it was going to be she. The others were always waiting for this, and glad of it and proud of her, for they knew what was going to happen, because they had had experience. When she told the meaning of a big word they were all so taken up with admiration that it never occurred to any dog to doubt if it was the right one; and that was natural, because, for one thing, she answered up so promptly that it seemed like a dictionary speaking, and for another thing, where could they find out whether it was right or not? for she was the only cultivated dog there was. By and by, when I was older, she brought home the word Unintellectual, one time, and worked it pretty hard all the week at different gatherings, making much unhappiness and despondency; and it was at this time that I noticed that during that week she was asked for the meaning at eight different assemblages, and flashed out a fresh definition every time, which showed me that she had more presence of mind than culture, though I said nothing, of course. She had one word which she always kept on hand, and ready, like a life-preserver, a kind of emergency word to strap on when she was likely to get washed overboard in a sudden way - that was the word Synonymous. When she happened to fetch out a long word which had had its day weeks before and its prepared meanings gone to her dump-pile, if there was a stranger there of course it knocked him groggy for a couple of minutes, then he would come to, and by that time she would be away down wind on another tack, and not expecting anything; so when he’d hail and ask her to cash in, I (the only dog on the inside of her game) could see her canvas flicker a moment -  but only just a moment - then it would belly out taut and full, and she would say, as calm as a summer’s day, “It’s synonymous with supererogation,” or some godless long reptile of a word like that, and go placidly about and skim away on the next tack, perfectly comfortable, you know, and leave that stranger looking profane and embarrassed, and the initiated slatting the floor with their tails in unison and their faces transfigured with a holy joy.


It was a slow day in heaven so God phoned Satan to see what was going on down there.
‘It’s slow here, too’, said Satan.
‘Well,’ God said, ‘I think a dog show might be fun.’
‘Sounds good’, says Satan, ‘But why are you calling me? You’ve got all the dogs up there.’
‘I know,’ answered God, ‘But you’ve got all the judges.’
(Author unknown)


Top 10 reasons to breed dogs

10 … I love hair in my coffee.
09 … Never did like having a full nights sleep
08 … Wanted my Vet to get a new BMW
07 … Thought the furniture looked too nice
06 … Love the sounds of puppies in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening, midnight, predawn, etc.
05 … Garden and backyard needed renovations, and didn’t want to pay a gardener.
04 … Neighbors didn’t complain enough
03 … Kids weren’t enough of a challenge
02 … If you can train & show one dog, why not ten
01 … Wanted to see if spouse really meant those vows
(Author unknown)

Watching a Bulldog sleep

When a Bulldog sleeps, she draws you in.
Sunday afternoons are every time and
lonely couches breath in unison and
wrap her warm against a spring breeze
sneaking through the kitchen door.
When a Bulldog sleeps, she snores.
Great paws frame an undershot chin;
snorts and yelps as she dreams of
squirrels who never get away
and food bowls that never empty.
When she’s sleeping, the Bulldog’s
face wrinkles closed until she more
resembles a Sharpei. And when she
wakens, she does so like a human being;
slow and stiff and annoyed.
A Bulldog is not a restless creature.
A Bulldog is completely content here
on earth; confident that what she is doing
right now is what she is meant to do.
(Author unknown)


The heart skips a beat

The heart skips a beat each and everytime that we see a rainbow grace the sky.
It is a heavenly reminder of those, to whom we’ve had to say good bye.
The rainbow is a symbol, conveying a heartfelt message meant just for you …
someone’s waiting at the rainbow bridge and they dearly love and miss you too.

(© Sue Long) 

I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.
Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.

Potential Puppy Owner Test

Are you truly ready for a dog? This is a test that every Potential Puppy Owner (PPO) must pass and, after passing, will be given a license to begin learning about the breed of their choice.
No physical force, yelling, or cursing is allowed during the test. Protective clothing or soil-proof clothes are not allowed. Small wounds and scratches are to be handled in a blasé’ manner.
Tests will be held in a variety of environments and PPO will enter brush, woods etc with a happy face.
Any PPO seen wiping dog hair or saliva off their clothing will not pass.
The Tests
  • PPO must control a highly stimulated 10 month old male GSD puppy. PPO must be able to get the dog to do a down in two minutes. Flat buckle collar and nylon lead only.

Things dogs must try to remember …

I have published a similar text in 2015. I didn't know the name of the author. In the meantime, I've found the following text, including author's Name:
  • I will not play tug-of-war with Dad’s underwear when he’s on the toilet.
  • The garbage collecter is NOT stealing our stuff.
  • I do not need to suddenly stand straight up when I’m lying under the coffee table.
  • I will not roll my toys behind the fridge.
  • I must shake the rainwater out of my fur BEFORE entering the house.
  • I will not eat the cats’ food, before or after they eat it.
  • I will stop trying to find the few remaining pieces of clean carpet in the house when I am about to throw up.
  • I will not throw up on the car.

Old blanket

I went out last night, just after midnight, to make sure all the heat lamps were working in the goat, chicken and turkey houses. The temperature was supposed to go to zero or below. All the dogs had long gone to bed and the night was silent. Stepping on the porch I was greeted with the sight of a crystal clear sky and multitudes of stars. Turning on the flashlight (we refuse to have one of those blasted dusk to dawn monstrosities that keep the stars from shining) I made my way to the barn. Earlier in the evening I had taken some straw to freshen the farm animal's bedding, and had dropped a flake outside the gate that I failed to retrieve. 

Walking down the drive, I saw a set of bloody paw prints pressed into the snow, that came out of the woods and ended at the pile of straw by the gate. Curled on the pile of straw was a dog. Medium sized. Could have been any kind of dog. It was hard to tell in the darkness. The only thing for sure was that it was a dark color. I put my hand on the back and felt cold ribs. I took my gloves off and felt behind the front leg. A heartbeat. Then I heard a faint thump. The end of the tail was going up and down making a slight impression in the snow, but the head didn't move. I saw the deep brown eyes that seemed to say "please don't run me off. I can't take another step." The feet were cracked and bleeding. I checked to make sure the heat lamps were working and gently scooped up the frozen dog. No resistance, just the thump of the tail. Not much weight for the size of the bundle. I made my way to the front door.

I am an animal rescuer (the original)

On my trip through the Internet I found the following text repeatedly. The information about the author were different, the text exists in several versions. In the past I showed two versions on my blog, but now I think I've found the original:

My job is to assist God's creatures
I was born with the need to fulfill their needs
I take in new family members without plan, thought, or selection
I have bought dog food with my last dime
I have patted a mangy head with a bare hand
I have hugged someone vicious and afraid
I have fallen in love a thousand times
and I have cried into the fur of a lifeless Body


The lonely and the homeless

Come on boy it’s time we went
Our last walk before the day is spent.
I really enjoy our daily walks
The people we meet, some smile, some talk.
You are my exercise, my company,
Without you my friend, what would life be?

Stray’s plea

I'm homeless and helpless, unwanted alone.
I've no place to stay so I wander and roam.
I've no one to care if I live or die:
Nobody wants me as hard as I try.
I'm abandoned and starving and nobody cares;
I've met with nothing but cruel, cold hard stares.
My stomach is empty, I've nothing to eat;
I have no shelter from rain or sleet.

Dogs have chosen us

Of all the creatures that walk the face of this earth,
dogs have chosen us, and us alone, to share their lives with.
May we prove worthy of such a gift.

(© Sue Long) 

I would like to thank Sue Long for her kind permission to publish her poems/writings on my blog.
 Prints used for fund raising for animal rescues available on Fine Art America.
Sue and Phil’s Facebook page is the official home of Paw Prints from the Fundy. Available prints used for fund raising for animals rescues are posted there first as well as links for the prints on Fine Art America. Join Sue and Phil there on the Fundy to help them, help those, that have no voice.


Hund und Briefträger

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.

Gegen Rassendiskriminierung

Ein Mopsgedicht

Der Mops von Fräulein Lunden
War eines Tags verschwunden.
Sie pflegte – muss man wissen –
Tagtäglich ihn zu küssen.
Das hat dem Mops wie allen,
Die ehrlich sind, missfallen.
Der Küsse überdrüssig,
Ward unser Möpschen bissig.

The Bible says

The Bible says, God made the Earth, the stars and moon that light our way,
He made all the lovely things, he gave us night and day,
The stars are not lights in the sky, and Earth's not the only planet,
So when people say only humans matter, that can't be right now – can it?
Science has given us great knowledge. We know of a vast universe,
Could it be that if God made man, his beautiful Earth, he did curse.
What makes man think he is so vital, and use whatever he needs.
What makes man think he is entitled, to do such dastardly deeds.


Yellowdog program

Do you know the yellowdog initiative? You don’t? Then I want to introduce it. The idea of a campaign for sensitive dogs comes from Sweden and is called “The original International Gulahund™ Yellowdog Program”. The program is intended for dogs which need some more space for any numbers of reasons. The dogs are marked on their leash, harness or collar with a yellow ribbon, bandana, bow or so. Explicitly this identification marking is not about or for aggressive dogs and it doesn’t replace a muzzle. If you meet a dog (and of course the accompanying person) wearing a yellow identification marking you should give them more space or time to move out of your way. Because this mark means that the dog doesn’t want to have closer contact with other dogs or people.
The following text and graphics come from the pages of gulahund.se/:

Staffy rescue dog

Back and forth the kennel he paces,
As he watches peoples faces,
Some have eyes that glaze right through,
Others give a sigh; “poor old you”,
But none of them see the dog beneath,
The heart of gold that is underneath,
This old boy is no longer a pup,
So it was time to give him up.
He used to bark when he seen you,
Between the bars his tongue poked through,
On his rear legs he stood tall,
Even though he was quite small,
Happy and jolly he loved to play,
Sadly now he sees no light of day,
Just a wall made of bricks,
Still it has to beat those kicks.

A Bulldog’s face

Everything on a bulldog’s face
Seems to have a proper place
His eyelids droop
His jaws are square
His jowls are beyond compare
His nose looks like he’s had a fight
He’s got a great big under bite
you look at him and have to hoot
He’s so ugly that ... he’s cute
(Author unknown)


Take me to the rescue

You may not think you know me, but I'm sure you've seen my face
In back yards, fields, and busy streets, you'll find us any place
I'm what you'd call a rescue dog, who needs a safety haven
I may be thin, and sickly, too, but I promise I'm worth saving
I'm the dog who lives next door, the one you always see outside
Seeking shelter from the sun, and a cool, safe place to hide



Have you ever lost a friend,
One that didn’t speak?
Just loved you and trusted you
Every day of every week.
Did you ever lose a friend,
Not of the human kind?
One who didn’t see your faults,
And your flaws they didn’t mind.


Rescue dog poem

A rescue dog will have a tale to tell
It may be sad, or of a life of Hell
It may be a story of a once loved pup
Who found herself homeless when a marriage broke up
Or a faithful companion, who's owner's passed on
And the poor little dog doesn't know where they've gone.
Or of a dog that’s been beaten, never had the chance to ‘live’
And yet gain his trust - he’ll have so much love to give.

Dogs are great in many ways (3)

Pilbara working dogs  

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden. 
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.


Make room in your heart

I know that you still search for me
Within the room; by the fireside
Eyes alight with hope reflected
In the flames, and tears you’ve cried.
But I am not, and cannot be
Laid by your side another day,
For your bonded love has set me free
Letting my wounded soul fly far away.

The best dog I’ve ever had

I have a Bulldog,
He is short, fat, and white,
He may look a little mean,
But he would never, ever bite.
He follows me around wherever I go,
The only problem is, he is too slow.
He’s hungry all the time,
He sleeps all day,
My bulldog loves me,
He would never run away.


Just a Staffy Cross

Today is just another day - to me they're all the same
I have the worst of genes you see, I bear the "Staffy" shame.
The shame is in our numbers, there's thousands with no home.
Thousands just like me you'll find, in kennels all alone.
My mum was "just a Staffy", my father - well who knows?
Mum, too, became unwanted, as the last puppy goes.
And then begins the process, of money-making deals
A life of "moving on" unfolds, who cares how the Staffy feels?
If you have the cash to hand, the Staffy pup is yours
But that pup is getting bigger now, just look at those big paws.

Das netteste Lächeln überhaupt / The cutest smile ever

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat 2014 entschieden, dass im Regelfall keine Urheberrechte verletzt werden, wenn Website-Betreiber sogenannte framende Links setzen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel, wenn YouTube-Videos auf einer Internetseite eingebunden werden.
In 2014 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that normally no copyrights are violated if website operators use so-called framed links. This happens for example when YouTube videos on a website are included.


Having Faith

Gliding hand over softened coat, I know not how to tell,
If love and trust will touch the heart, of this life that rose from Hell.
Hell on earth from which he came like a devil from the fire,
His wide red eyes and prickly coat – not the pet of one’s desire.
Yet who or what took him there, to this darkness of despair?
No comfort, no love, no compassion - an owner who did not care.
“He should be killed, this ‘red zone’ dog, he cannot have a home”
But all his fears and all his tears are manmade and not his own.

Cat? Dog? - Both!

It isn’t a home with no cat about,
Who wants to come in and once in go out.
A home needs a dog, I think you’ll agree,
As they both behave so differently.
Dog when it’s called is straight into view,
Cat takes a message and gets back to you.
Dog when you work is right at your feet,
Cat’s on your work with intention to sleep.


Cold Weather Safety

(© Lili Chin) 


Ich bedanke mich bei Lili Chin (doggiedrawings.net) für ihre freundliche Genehmigung, ihre Zeichnungen auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.

I would like to thank Lili Chin (doggiedrawings.net) for her kind permission to publish her drawings on my blog.