Willkommen / Welcome

Willkommen / Welcome
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Wichtige Informationen / Important information:

Dieser Blog soll nicht nur eine Sammlung sein für alle, die wie ich Gedichte, Texte und einfach alles zum Thema Hund mögen, sondern auch eine Anerkennung für alle Autoren und Künstler, die uns mit ihren Werken große Freude bereiten, manchmal Trost spenden oder uns die Augen öffnen möchten für Missstände.

This blog is not only a collection for all of you who, like me, love poems, texts and simply everything about dogs, it is also intended to give recognition to all authors and artists who with their work give us great pleasure, sometimes solace and who also want to open our eyes to the abuse and neglect of animals.


Ausgenommen meine eigenen Arbeiten, unterliegen alle in dieser Sammlung veröffentlichten Gedichte, Zitate, Geschichten etc. dem Urheberrecht des jeweiligen Verfassers. Leider ist mir dieser in den wenigsten Fällen bekannt. Ich möchte mich bei allen Autoren entschuldigen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähnt habe. Ich arbeite daran, die Autoren zu finden. Wer hier einen eigenen Text findet, dem wäre ich für eine Nachricht dankbar. Ich werde dann einen entsprechenden Hinweis (und/oder Link) ergänzen oder den Text umgehend entfernen.
Das Urheberrecht für meine eigenen Texte, Fotos und selbst erstellten Grafiken liegt allein bei mir. Kopieren oder jegliche Art von Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist untersagt.

Copyright for all published poems, stories, quotes belongs to the respective author. Usually I don’t know the authors of the material and I would like to apologize to any authors who I don’t mention. I’m working to find the writers. If you do find your own work here, I would be grateful for an appropriate message. Then I’ll add a note (and/or a link) or will remove the text immediately. I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright for my own writings, photos and graphics: Isa of Mayflower. Copying, spreading or any type of publication is prohibited.


I had a dream last night

I had a dream last night.
I needed to go somewhere but couldn’t because I had to take care of my very old dog. Next thing I knew, he was standing beside me. His coat was full and dark like it used to be; his tail was fluffy; he had the extra weight he used to carry when he was younger; he has wiggling with energy.
As I looked at him, I knew that he wanted me to go into the other room with him. There, lying on the floor, was his old, worn out bode. He wagged his tail and gave me a huge smile as if he were saying, “I’m done with that, Mom. See, now we can go anywhere!”
It was beautiful.
When the time comes that I have to let that old, worn out body go, I’ll be at peace because I know he will be with me forever.
(Rocko’s Mom)


About older/senior dogs

As soon as I saw his face, I totally understood the meaning of the saying, “Love at first sight”.
There may be silver in his fur but there’s gold in his heart.
Today’s the day. I just know it.
Someone who loves old dogs will come take me home.
Will it be you, or God?
I’ve loved you all my life.
Please don’t throw me away because I’m old.
Keep me beside you until I’m ready to leave this body behind.
My face may be white but my heart is pure gold.
There is no shame in growing old.
Raising a dog is like a rainbow …
Puppies are the joy at one end.
Old dogs are the treasure at the other.
Some call me a senior dog
that just means I have years of experience
in the fine art of friendship.
(Authors unknown)


A gift of paws (by Terri Onorato)

In the silent Christmas morning
my heart begins to ache

Unfortunately I have no authorization of Terri Onorato to publish her texts on my blog (for a few years she no longer issued permits to anyone). But it’s possible to read the text here.

Leider habe ich keine Genehmigung von Terri Onorato, ihre Texte auf meinem Blog zu veröffentlichen (seit ein paar Jahren erteilt sie grundsätzlich keine Genehmigungen mehr). Es ist aber möglich, den Text hier zu lesen.

Isa of Mayflower


You want a puppy?

You want a puppy? Aw, come on. Aren't you a little more discriminating? Pets, like fine wine, improve with age. When I think about all the dumb things I did as a puppy, I just want to howl with embarrassment! The chewing of shoes. The peeing on rugs. The unfortunate incident with the vacuum, which is best not discussed.
But now I'm older and wiser. I may be a little slower, but I'm also smarter and calmer and less likely to drive you crazy. I'm ready to be your friend and couch-mate, to share long walks and evenings relaxing. I'll romp like a puppy sometimes, but not all the time. Believe me, that's something you'll appreciate at three in the morning.
So go check out the puppies and the kittens, and then, when you're ready for a mature relationship, come back to me. I've got a lot of love left to give. Will you let me give it to you?
(Author unknown)


Guardians Of The Night

Trust in me my friend for I am your comrade. I will protect you with my last breath. When all others have left you and the loneliness of the night closes in, I will be at your side.
Together we will conquer all obstacles, and search out those who might wish harm to others. All I ask of you is compassion, the caring touch of your hands. It is for you that I will unselfishly give my life, and spend my nights unrested. Although our days together may be marked by the passing of the seasons, know that each day at your side is my reward.
My days are measured by the coming and going of your footsteps. I anticipate them at every opening of the door. You are the voice of caring when I am ill. The voice of authority when I’ve done wrong.
Do not chastise me unduly for I am your right arm, the sword at your side. I attempt to do only what you bid of me. I seek only to please you and remain in your favour.


To my dogs …

I will never move and not take you with me.
I will never sell you for money.
I will never put you in a shelter and leave.
I will never just keep you for your puppy days.
I will never let you starve.
I will never let you hurt.
I will never desert you when you get old and blind.
(Author unknown)


Difference between life and death

I may not be so pretty,
not much to behold …
but I assure you my love is real.
I have a heart of gold.
Maybe I’m not so young,
not as sharp as a pup might be.
I’ll clean myself up in no time,
I’ll earn my forever homey, you’ll see.
There’s a difference between life and death
and deep inside you know it’s true
that difference low and behold …
is me going home with you!
(Author unknown)


Dog rules for humans

  1. Don’t come home smelling of other dogs.
  2. You must feed me every goodie you eat.
  3. Don’t call me or lead me to a bath.
  4. Let me outside even though I just came in, there was an area I forgot to sniff.
  5. I can sleep anywhere I choose even if it means you trip over me.
  6. Don’t shhh me from barking while you are on the phone, I heard the wind blowing the leaves.
  7. Don’t move me while sleeping sideways in the middle of the bed, you have enough room on the edge.
  8. Don’t think you can leave a room without me.
  9. If it lands on the floor, it’s MINE!
  10. You will never pee alone again. 
(Author unknown)


Old dogs

I may not always hear you when you call my name,
and sometimes I miss the ball on an easy toss …
But the love for you that shines in my eyes
will never ever, ever grow old.
(Author unknown)


I’m a forever dog, not an ‚until‘ dog

I’m a forever dog, not an ‚until‘ dog
I’m not an “until you get bored with me” dog.
I’m not an “until you find a girlfriend” dog.
I’m not an “until you have a baby” dog.
I’m not an “until you have to move” dog.
I’m not an “until you have no time” dog.
I’m a forever dog.
If you can’t give me forever,
I’m not you dog.
It’s really that simple.

(Author unknown)


You have a special place, Dear Lord

You have a special place, Dear Lord,
that I know you’ll always keep
a special place reserved for dogs
when they quietly fall asleep.
(Author unknown)

I’m thankful for my dog

I’m thankful for my dog.
For all the paw prints on my floor,
for all the slobbery kisses on my face,
and for the fur on my clothes.
For there will come a day
when there is too much room in my bed.
(Author unknown)


I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart

I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.
And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear.
I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side
But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.
I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright
For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night.
I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good
But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.
"She cannot see. The dogs no good" is what some folks might say
"She can't be trained, she'll never learn She must be put away."
But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it's alright
Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.
You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part
Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart.
(© Sherrill Wardrip, Blind Dogs List member, 2000)


I found my way to Heaven

I found my way to Heaven, I’m standing at the gate.
I looked up at Saint Peter, I told him I’d like to wait.
I won’t be any trouble, I’ll sit here with a smile.
I’ll be watching for my friend, she won’t be along for a while.
I promise not to bother you, I’ll never be a nag.
You’ll know when my friend gets here, my tail will start to wag.
Everyone pats my head, they all makes such a fuss.
“You’re such a lovely doggy, why don’t you come with us?”
The all seem so nice, but I could never go.
I don’t mind at all, because there’s something they don’t know …
I’m waiting here for ______, she’s my best friend you see.
Besides it just can’t be heaven, without her here with me.
(Author unknown)


A Christmas wish (by Terri Onorato)

Lights are glowing softly
on the lush, green Christmas tree

Unfortunately I have no authorization of Terri Onorato to publish her texts on my blog (for a few years she no longer issued permits to anyone). But it’s possible to read the text here.
Leider habe ich keine Genehmigung von Terri Onorato, ihre Texte auf meinem Blog zu veröffentlichen (seit ein paar Jahren erteilt sie grundsätzlich keine Genehmigungen mehr). Es ist aber möglich, den Text hier zu lesen.
Isa of Mayflower


They say it takes …

They say it takes …
… a minute to find a special dog
… an hour to appreciate them
… a day to love them
… an entire life to forget them …
(Author unknown)

The reason I love animals so much

Maybe the reason I love animals so much,
is because the only time they have ever broken my heart,
is when they’ve crossed that Rainbow Bridge.
(Author unknown)


At special times like Christmas

There’s a very special place beyond the skies above
Somewhere very peaceful that is full of light and love
That special place is Heaven where you’re free to run and roam
It was your time to go there so the angels took you home
And tough you’re in our thoughts each single day throughout the year
At special times like Christmas we all wish you could be here
Now you’re in a better place, sour soul is laid to rest
Safe with all the angels for they only take the best
(Author unknown)

My heart is full of memories

My heart is full of memories, with pride I speak your name.
Though life goes on without you, it will never be the same.
I hold you close within my heart and there you will remain,
to walk with me throughout my life, until we meet again!
(Author unknown)

Message from Heaven

Dog ‘Silver’ was 6 years old when she died in January of 2013.
From Heaven, she tells her person:
"I had to die because there was young girl that needed help crossing over. She died in an accident and she didn't want to leave the scene and the hospital and I had to go to her and lead her to heaven. It had to be me because she loved animals that looked like me and she always could speak to animals but no one ever knew it and mom taught me really well how to listen and to talk back so I went to her and I helped her cross over."
(Laura Stinchfield of ThePetPsychic, on Facebook Oct 21, 2013;
Author’s note:
“Often when our animals die young there is reason they have to leave us. Sweet sweet Silver.”)


'Twas the night of a rescue

'Twas the night before Christmas
I've found many canine versions of this Holiday classic – here one of the variants.


‘Twas a night like all others, when throughout the whole mill
All the poor souls were a howling, so hungry and ill.
The food bowls were empty, all covered with grime,
Despair, fear and pain, having committed no crime. 

The dogs were all laying on wire with no beds
While visions of freedom danced in their heads,
An all of the breeds, the young, sick, and old
Tried snuggling together to keep warm in the cold. 

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
They sprang out of fear to see what was the matter.
Away to the cage bars they flew with a howl,
I t must be a person, that creature most foul. 


T’was the night before Dogmas

T'was the night before Dogmas when all through the house,
Not an animal was stirring, not even the mouse.
The puppies were snuggled and tucked in their beds,
While visions of dog goodies danced in their heads.
Their stockings were hung by the dog bowls with care,
In hope that Father Dogmas soon would be there.
Out on the rooftop there arose such a barking,
I knew Father Dogmas was having trouble parking.


'Twas the night before Christmas (7)

'Twas the night before Christmas
I've found many canine versions of this Holiday classic – here one of the variants.


'Twas the day before Christmas when all through our house
Every creature was stirring, including Pet Mouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney - my lair -
Next to my Master's overstuffed chair. 

My family was singing and still decorating;
Three dogs and three cats were anticipating
A glorious Christmas of new gifts, great treats;
The cats wanted catnip, the dogs wanted meats. 


Top ten reasons to adopt an older dog (4)

1. Love and Loyalty!
Chances are good that by adopting an older dog, you have rescued a wonderful, loving canine from an untimely, unfortunate and unwarranted death. An older dog can sense that he or she was saved and will be eternally loyal to his or her new “forever” family.
2. Ease Of Transition
Older dogs are mellow, relaxed and ready for a new home. They are past the puppy chewing and destruction stage and usually come with basic training.
3. No Huge Lifestyle Change
You don't need to worry about puppy proofing your house and constant training. And older dogs let you get a good night's sleep!

Angel harps (by Terri Onorato)

Last night I saw you in my dreams
a brilliant light engulfed your soul

Unfortunately I have no authorization of Terri Onorato to publish her texts on my blog (for a few years she no longer issued permits to anyone). But it’s possible to read the text here.
Leider habe ich keine Genehmigung von Terri Onorato, ihre Texte auf meinem Blog zu veröffentlichen (seit ein paar Jahren erteilt sie grundsätzlich keine Genehmigungen mehr). Es ist aber möglich, den Text hier zu lesen.
Isa of Mayflower


O Christmas tree

O Christmas tree
O Christmas tree
How high up are your trimmings!
O Christmas tree
O Christmas tree
How high up are your trimmings!
Before the pup
We trimmed your boughs
Close to the floor
As space allows


Christmas wishes for dogs

Dear Santa,

hey Santa, help me out here. Sorry I haven't written to you before. Guess I've been saving up. Well, this year I've got a big list, but I've been good. All I want for Christmas is:
  • One self-cleaning kitchen floor. (Push a button and a shiny new surface emerges - minus pawprints.)
  • Carpeting that doesn't bear the scars of the recent housebreaking war.
  • Dogsafe pantyhose. I'd like to get out the door without screaming "off, off, PANTYHOSE!"
  • A cold winter followed by a dry Spring, please Santa, no more mud!
  • An end to rawhide fights.
  • How can I use the stuff as a cheap doggie babysitter if they are noisier WITH rawhide than without?


Wintersport mit Hunden

Ich bedanke mich bei futalis.de für die freundliche Genehmigung, diese Grafik auf meinem Blog veröffentlichen zu dürfen.


Those damned Giant Schnauzers: 2002

You all may have heard of this story before
The breed our dear Santa has come to adore
Though not without mischief and danger it's true
He feels like he's ready for 2002
With Christmas upon us, it's dark and it's night,
So jingle and jangle the sleigh takes its flight
Now Santa, his toys, and eight tiny reindeer
Head south from the North Pole to work his way here
In Finland he found something quite unexpected,
Two Pepper & Salts and the folks they've protected
Taiga and Wanda hugged Tina and Max,
The sight of it all made ol' Saint Nick relax

Those damned Giant Schnauzers: The sequel

On this Christmas Day won't you lend me an ear
I'll tell you a story about holiday cheer
The idea of Christmas is giving and sharing,
With family and friends and of course time for caring.
We'll start around midnight, it's now Christmas day
With most of us dreaming and sleeping away
There's one fellow working, delivering joy
His parcels are great for a young girl or boy
It's One and he is finished so what does he do?
He thinks up a scheme so he stays out past Two,
My wife thinks I'm working, he says to himself
I'll have just one swig from this jug of "Red Elf"

Those damned Giant Schnauzers

Got up this morning there rose such a clatter.
Seems all the Giants bark loud, "what's the matter?"
I stumble and grumble in a daze down the hall
It's 4 in the morning ... I bounce of the wall
I'm sleepy and tired but I must move quick
the neighbors know damn well this noise ain't St. Nick
So out through the back door the cold airs a blast
my arms sprouting goosebumps, my hands, feet, and ass!
When to my suprise the barking does cease
I notice some red pants, they're not in one piece
A black boot lay mangled, the thought does occur
Is that an old dog toy? Or some kind of fur?


Christmas at Rainbow Bridge (by Terri Onorato)

As the midnight hour approaches on Christmas Eve a tremendous celebration begins. If you listen closely you will hear the exuberant sound of Bridgekids preparing for the remarkable moment that comes but once a year.

Unfortunately I have no authorization of Terri Onorato to publish her texts on my blog (for a few years she no longer issued permits to anyone). But it's possible to read the text here.

Leider habe ich keine Genehmigung von Terri Onorato, ihre Texte auf meinem Blog zu veröffentlichen (seit ein paar Jahren erteilt sie grundsätzlich keine Genehmigungen mehr). Es ist aber möglich, den Text hier zu lesen.

Isa of Mayflower

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
I've been a good doggy mom all year. I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my dogs on demand, visited the Vet's office more than my own doctor, spend more on their shampoos and conditioners than I do for myself, and most of the time they are groomed better than I am. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my a black marker pen on the back of a dog food receipt in the laundry room between cycles of dog bedding, and who knows when I'll find any more free time in the near future with puppies coming and dog shows on the he horizon.
Here are my Christmas wishes:
I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple, which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze; but are strong enough to put my struggling dog into the tub for a bath.